Comment: Project Title: Qualitative impact assessment of land management interventions on Ecosystem Services (QEIA) (Defra ECM_62324/UKCEH 08044) ,,,,,,,, Comment: Report-2 Annex: Integrated Assessment Table (Defra ECM_62324/UKCEH 08044) ,,,,,,,, Comment: ,,,,,,,, "Comment: The data in this file are from the 'QEIA IA-Scores-Annex' Excel spreadsheet with tab ""QEIA_IA_Table"" with the following date stamp - Date: 3 Oct. 2023 ",,,,,,,, Comment: Using the data below presumes a familiarity with the assumptions and coding conventions and interpretation of the QEIA_IA_Table in the Final Report and Annexes of the Project. ,,,,,,,, Comment: The final QEIA_IA_Table captured scores for 741 actions across 8 Themes with 33 Ecosystem Services and 53 ES-indicators. This produced a matrix of 39273 possible scores. ,,,,,,,, Comment: There are therefore 39273 cells in the Annex 2 EXCEL spreadsheet with various combinations of cell colour and cell character content expressing these scores. ,,,,,,,, Comment: ,,,,,,,, Comment: This database is extracted from the QEIA_IA_Table by converting the colour of each cell in the Table to a text code which is combined with the existing text characters in that cell. ,,,,,,,, Comment: The result is a new text field (Cell_Contents) describing the colour AND character content for each cell in the Table. Cell_Contents can be linked with the Row and Column labels for that cell. ,,,,,,,, Comment: The format for Cell_Contents is 'clr/text' where 'clr/' is a three character text code for cell colour (grn; amb; red; wht) followed by the separator '/' and 'text' is the (variable length) character content of the cell. ,,,,,,,, Comment: Note - the blue Bundle_Name rows in the EXCEL Table in the Annex spreadsheet have NOT been included in the database below (they contain no data and were only used as a visual aid in navigating the spreadsheet) ,,,,,,,, Comment: ,,,,,,,, Comment: The flat file database begins on the first line following the initial Comments lines. (The Comments lines should be deleted before loading the database into a software package) ,,,,,,,, Comment: There are 9 data fields on each line. The field delimiter is a comma (this is a .csv file). The first line contains the Field Names followed by 39273 lines of data. ,,,,,,,, Comment: ,,,,,,,, Action_Family_Code,Family_Description,Management_Bundle_Tier-1,Management_Bundle_Tier-2,Theme,Service,Indicator_for_Services_Flow,Outcome_Priority,Cell_Contents AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,red/* AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,grn/* AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/LT** AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/LT** AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/LT** AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,amb/* AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LTD* AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LTD* AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,red/** AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LTD** AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD* AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/LTD* AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/LD* AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X AQ1,Free range poultry / pigs in woodland,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/T* AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/T* AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,grn/T* AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X AQ2,Monitor AQ and GHG footprint of agricultural buildings to actively manage emissions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/T* AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/T* AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,grn/T* AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X AQ3,Monitor indoor concentrations of ammonia and GHG,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/** AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/ AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/ AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/ AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X AQ4,Use fertiliser with urease and nitrification inhibitors,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/** Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/** Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/LTD* Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/LTD* Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/*** Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/DTL** Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT** Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-002 Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/** Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/D* Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/T* Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/* Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X Arable01,Extended stubble - unharvested crop stubble followed by a one-year fallow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/TD** Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/*** Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L** Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/*** Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/DTL** Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT** Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-032 Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/ Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M Arable01 Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M Arable01 Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M Arable01 Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/* Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/TD** Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X Arable02,"Unvegetated, ploughed fallow (natural regeneration) for one year","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/** Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/LTD* Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/LTD* Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L* Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/** Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/** Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/ Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/ Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/ Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/ Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M Arable01 Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M Arable01 Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M Arable01 Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X Arable03,Annually cultivate headlands and leave unsown,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T** Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/TD* Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/*** Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/*** Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/T*** Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/T*** Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/T** Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,grn/*** Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/** Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/ Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/ Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-203EM Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-203EM Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X Carbon_01,Conservation of long-established woodlands with existing high carbon stocks ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,red/* Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/LT** Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/LT** Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/TD** Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/* Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-203EM Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-203EM Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X Carbon_02,Longer rotations in even-aged managed stands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,grn/T* Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,grn/T* Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/T* Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/ Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/ Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/T* Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/T* Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X Carbon_03,Create and implement a woodland carbon plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,grn/T* Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,grn/T* Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/LT** Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/LT** Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,grn/** Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/TD* Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/ Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/ Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-203EM Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-203EM Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X Carbon_04,Enrichment of woodland growing stock for carbon sequestration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/* EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-004,"Create / maintain signage, way markers","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L*** EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L*** EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/ EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,red/* EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/*** EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/** EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/*** EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/*** EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/LD** EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,red/* EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,red/* EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/TD** EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-005,"Create / maintain larger scale access facilities (e.g. parking for coaches and cars including hardstanding, toilets including composting, plumbed structures requiring building regs, and affordable overnight accommodation near key PROW)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,red/* EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,red/* EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,red/* EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/D*** EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/*** EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/*** EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/** EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,red/* EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/LD** EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/LTD* EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,amb/LTD* EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/TD** EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-006,"Create or dedicate new rights of way for footpaths, bridleways, cycle tracks, and restricted byways to make or complete community circuits of off road routes, link to community places and spaces, public transport, waterways, access land, common land, National Trails and fill gaps in the off road network or improve public safety",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/* EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/* EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/* EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M EBHE-019 EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M EBHE-019 EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EBHE-019 EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EBHE-019 EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M EBHE-019 EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EBHE-019 EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EBHE-019 EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M EBHE-019 EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M EBHE-019 EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M EBHE-019 EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M EBHE-019 EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/T* EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/* EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/* EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/** EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/*** EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,grn/* EBHE-007,"Create / restore / manage traditional field boundaries (eg dry stone walls, earth banks, stone faced earth banks, Cornish hedges)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/* EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/* EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/L** EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/*** EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/L* EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/L** EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/L*** EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,amb/L* EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/TD* EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/L** EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/LTD* EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,amb/LTD* EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/TD** EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-008,"Create / maintain infrastructure needed to mitigate the effects of access (boardwalks over wetlands, hedges and banks to hide walkers from birds, hedges to keep dogs from straying etc) where not already required by regulation",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/** EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-009,"Create / maintain improved public information signage (safety information , warnings biodiversity and environmental protection etc) above basic information / directions","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-010,Remove signs when no longer applicable,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T* EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/* EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,amb/LD* EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/*** EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-011,"Create / maintain pre-visit and onsite / on route information including maps to meet the needs of all users, including on foot, by bicycle, by paddle or by horse, and especially infrequent visitors, and those with particular needs such as families, the elderly or peop","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-012,"Provide information on websites, apps and social media informing the public of access opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-013,Distribute maps of access in and around the area including links to associated access ways,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/M EBHE-011 EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/* EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,amb/L* EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,red/* EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/LD** EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/LTD* EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,amb/LTD* EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/TD** EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-015,"Create new permissive paths (any payment needs to be time bound after which landowner either dedicates as permanent or stops receiving payment, starting point 3 years)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/ EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/ EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/ EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LD* EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/L* EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LD* EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LD* EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L* EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/T* EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/*** EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/** EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/*** EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/** EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/*** EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/M EBHE-007 EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,grn/* EBHE-019,"Create / maintain appropriate boundary features alongside rights of way such as hedges, bird watching cover and dry stone walls","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT** EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/L* EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,amb/LT** EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/LTD* EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,amb/LTD* EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/L* EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-020,Maintain area of access land through dedication when land use change is publicly subsidised (no net loss),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,red/* EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,red/* EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-021,"Create public access (on foot, on horse or on bike) to open access land and common land",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,red/* EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,red/* EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/* EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/* EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/LTD* EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,amb/LTD* EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-022,"Improve access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, disa",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,red/* EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,red/* EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/* EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/* EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/L* EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,amb/** EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/LTD* EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,amb/LTD* EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/M EBHE-026 EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-023,"Maintain access infrastructure including path surfaces and widening on PRoW cycle tracks and informal paths on publicly accessible greenspace (including access land, common land and TVGs) so that they are accessible all year round for all legal users, dis",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/*** EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LT*** EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/LT*** EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT** EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/TD* EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-026,Dedicate land as access land,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/L** EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-028,Create / maintain maps and signage relating to access on buffer strips,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/* EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/* EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT** EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/* EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/L** EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/L* EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/LTD* EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,amb/LTD* EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-029,Create / maintain alternative routes on paths and greenspaces liable to inundation (flooding and erosion),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/* EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/* EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT** EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/M EBHE-029 EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/M EBHE-029 EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/M EBHE-029 EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/M EBHE-029 EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/M EBHE-029 EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/M EBHE-029 EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/M EBHE-029 EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/M EBHE-029 EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/M EBHE-029 EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/M EBHE-029 EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/M EBHE-029 EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/M EBHE-029 EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/LTD* EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,amb/LTD* EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/M EBHE-029 EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/M EBHE-029 EBHE-031,Create or dedicate new replacement routes of the same or higher status where inundation or erosion will be permanent,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/M EBHE-029 EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T* EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/*** EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,amb/D*** EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/** EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/*** EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-037,"Create / maintain in situ interpretation displays, signage and other materials on land management and the natural and cultural environment as well as leaflets, apps and websites","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/M EBHE-037 EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/M EBHE-037 EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/M EBHE-037 EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/M EBHE-037 EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/M EBHE-037 EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/M EBHE-037 EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/M EBHE-037 EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/M EBHE-037 EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/M EBHE-037 EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/M EBHE-037 EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/M EBHE-037 EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/M EBHE-037 EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/M EBHE-037 EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/M EBHE-037 EBHE-039,"Create / maintain digital opportunities to enhance the public's experience of their visit, e.g. apps to enhance enjoyment of or learning about nature, geodiversity, heritage and land management and promote positive behaviour","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/M EBHE-037 EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/** EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/* EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,amb/T** EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,amb/T* EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/T** EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/D* EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,amb/D* EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/TD** EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-040,"Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure suited to nature based interventions for those with a defined health, educational or social need, e.g. care farming, social and therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/M EBHE-037 EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/M EBHE-037 EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/M EBHE-037 EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/M EBHE-037 EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/M EBHE-037 EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/M EBHE-039 EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/M EBHE-039 EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/M EBHE-039 EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/M EBHE-039 EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/M EBHE-039 EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/M EBHE-039 EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/M EBHE-039 EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/M EBHE-039 EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/M EBHE-039 EBHE-041,"Create / maintain interpretation displays, signage and other materials for educational, physical mental and social wellbeing visits","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/M EBHE-039 EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,red/* EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,red/* EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-042,"Provide / maintain access to mobility aids, e.g. trampers, adapted bicycles",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/L*** EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/LT** EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/*** EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/L*** EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-043,Create / maintain dedicated space for forest school opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/L** EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/L* EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/L** EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/L** EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/L* EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/L** EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/L* EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-044,Create / maintain safe access to beach schools sites,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LT*** EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/L*** EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/* EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/LT** EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/*** EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/L*** EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-050,Create / maintain demonstration or outdoor classroom sites (e.g. for talks or lessons),"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/* EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/* EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T* EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/* EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,amb/T* EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,amb/TD* EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,amb/TD* EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/** EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/T** EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-051,"Create / maintain places for fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting opportunities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/* EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/* EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/** EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-052,Create / maintain places for nature survey opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/T* EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,amb/TD* EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,amb/TD* EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/LTD* EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-053,Provide / maintain places for citizen science opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/* EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/* EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,amb/TD** EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,amb/TD** EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,amb/TD** EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/LTD* EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/T* EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-054,Create places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/LTD* EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,amb/T* EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/T** EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-055,"Create / maintain site based information promoting the use of the natural environment for physical activity, health and wellbeing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/* EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LTD* EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-056,Create / maintain publicly accessible natural play spaces,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/* EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/* EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/* EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,amb/TD** EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,amb/TD** EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,amb/TD** EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/* EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,amb/T* EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/T* EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-057,Maintain places for geo-caching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,red/* EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,grn/* EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/LTD* EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/LTD* EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L* EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/* EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-058,Create small-scale cultivation opportunities,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-059,Create / maintain sites and small scale infrastructure for community therapeutic horticulture or food growing,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/** EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/* EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/** EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/** EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/TD** EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-060,Host school visits including forest schools and beach schools,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-061,Host care farming visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-062,"Host visits for groups with special needs e.g. dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-063,"Host open days on farms, woodlands and country parks","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-064,Host nature reserve visits,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/M EBHE-060 EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,red/* EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/*** EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/* EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/*** EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/* EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,red/* EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/** EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-065,"Host guided walks, rides, paddles, and other nature-based activities that encourage social interaction and physical activity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/* EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/*** EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,grn/*** EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,grn/*** EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/** EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/*** EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/*** EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-066,"Provide interactive Engagement activities relating to natural features, heritage, landscape, land management, geodiversity, and biodiversity","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/* EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/*** EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,amb/T*** EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,amb/T*** EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,amb/T*** EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/T** EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,amb/T*** EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-069,Provide guided geodiversity walks,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/T** EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LTD** EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T*** EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/* EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,amb/TD** EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,amb/TD* EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,amb/TD* EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/** EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/TD* EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-071,"Provide fossil, mineral and rock hunting and collecting open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/* EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/** EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/* EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-072,"Provide nature survey opportunities, including open events and days","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/** EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/* EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-074,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for community food growing","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/* EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-075,"Provide support (faciltators, supplies) for therapeutic horticulture","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/T*** EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/*** EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-077,Maintain in a weatherproof condition the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/*** EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,grn/*** EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,grn/*** EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/T* EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-079,"Remove Scheduled Monuments, or heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments), from cultivation",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/* EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/* EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/** EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/*** EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,grn/*** EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,grn/*** EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/T* EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-081,Minimise cultivation on Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,red/* EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,red/* EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,red/* EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M EBHE-233 EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M EBHE-233 EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T*** EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/T*** EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/*** EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,grn/*** EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,grn/*** EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-083,"Remove and prevent the regrowth of scrub, bracken, sedge or reed and keep understorey vegetation trimmed back around scheduled monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/T* EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/T* EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/*** EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/*** EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/TD* EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/TD* EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/** EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/** EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/LT** EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/TD* EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T*** EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/T*** EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/*** EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,grn/*** EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,grn/*** EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/T* EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-084,Restore / maintain high water levels to protect heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T*** EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/T*** EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/*** EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,grn/*** EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,grn/*** EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-088,Maintain the visibility of upstanding Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets that are on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T*** EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/T*** EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/*** EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,grn/*** EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,grn/*** EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-089,Remove eyesores from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T** EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,grn/* EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/* EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LT** EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/LT** EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LT** EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/LT** EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-090,Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,grn/* EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/M ECCA-009EM EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/M ECCA-009EM EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,red/L* EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/TD* EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,red/L* EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/* EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/*** EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-097,Enhance / maintain designed or engineered water bodies,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,grn/T* EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/T* EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/T* EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/T* EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/T* EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,grn/T* EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/T* EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/T* EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/T* EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,grn/T* EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/T* EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/T* EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/T* EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/T* EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/T* EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,grn/T* EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,grn/T* EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/T* EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/T* EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,red/* EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/T* EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LT** EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LT** EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/LT** EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT** EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/LT** EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/LT** EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/LT*** EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/TD*** EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,amb/TD*** EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/TD*** EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,grn/T* EBHE-104,Create a woodland creation plan,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117,Create / enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/* EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT** EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/TD* EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/TD* EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/L* EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/ EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-117C,Create contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/M EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/* EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT** EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/TD* EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/TD* EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/L* EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/ EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/M EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/M EBHE-117C EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-117EM,Enhance / manage contour grass strips,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,red/* EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,red/* EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M EHAZ-103 EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M EHAZ-103 EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M EHAZ-103 EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M EHAZ-103 EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/L* EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/L* EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/* EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/*** EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,grn/** EBHE-126,Manage realigned rivers to maintain natural flow,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140,"Create, enhance / manage Ghyll woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT*** EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT*** EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT*** EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT*** EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/ EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/ EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/T** EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/TD* EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,grn/* EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,grn/* EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/T* EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/T** EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LT** EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LT** EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/LT** EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT** EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/LT** EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/LT** EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/LT*** EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/*** EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,grn/* EBHE-140C,Create Ghyll woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,grn/*** EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/*** EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-054 EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-054 EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-203EM EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-203EM EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/M EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/M EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/M EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/M EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/M EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/M EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/M EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/M EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/M EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/M EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/M EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/M EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/M EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/M EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/M EBHE-140C EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,grn/* EBHE-140EM,Enhance / manage Ghyll woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/M EBHE-140C EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/L** EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/L* EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/L** EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T* EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/L** EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/L* EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-154,Create / maintain controlled access to sand dunes,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164,Create / enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S EBHE-164C EBHE-164EM EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/TD* EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT* EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/** EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/** EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/T* EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/T** EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LT* EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LT* EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,amb/T** EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,amb/T** EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/TD* EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/TD* EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/** EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/** EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/TD* EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/TD** EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/T* EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/* EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/** EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/*** EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/*** EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-164C,Create wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCA-007EM EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCA-007EM EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCA-007EM EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCA-007EM EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-030 EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-030 EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/TD* EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/TD* EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/** EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/** EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/TD* EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/TD** EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/T* EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/* EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/* EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/* EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/*** EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/*** EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-164EM,Enhance / manage wetland habitats,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT*** EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT*** EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L*** EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/L*** EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/*** EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/D* EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/L* EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/T* EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/LT* EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD** EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/L* EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/* EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/* EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/* EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/* EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/L** EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-169,Restore / manage ghost ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/* EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/* EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/*** EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,grn/L* EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L* EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/*** EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/T* EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/T* EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/T* EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,amb/T** EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/L** EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-182,Create and use a wildlife management plan,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/T* EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/T* EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T* EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/T* EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,grn/T* EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T* EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/T* EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/T* EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/T* EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,amb/L* EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,amb/L* EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/L* EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/T** EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/T* EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/T*** EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-187,Create a landscape appraisal of the holding in the context of the local area to identify key characteristics that will inform integrated implementation of actions to conserve and enhance the landscape character,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/** EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/** EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/* EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/** EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/* EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/* EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/* EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/* EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/* EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-024C EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-024C EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCA-026 EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCA-026 EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECCA-026 EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECCA-026 EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LT** EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/LT** EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/LT** EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/L** EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/LT*** EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,amb/LT*** EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LTD*** EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-191,Plant and establish appropriate species of field boundary trees,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/L* EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/** EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/** EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/* EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/* EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/* EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/* EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/* EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/* EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/* EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/L* EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/L* EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-310 EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-310 EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/* EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/* EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/L* EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,grn/* EBHE-192,Manage existing in-field trees situated within areas of cultivated land by reversion to permanent pasture to beyond extent of tree canopy to protect tree roots from cultivation and compaction,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,grn/* EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/** EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/** EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/*** EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/** EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-054 EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-054 EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-203EM EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-203EM EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LT** EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LT*** EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/LT** EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT** EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/LT** EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/LT** EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/*** EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/*** EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,grn/** EBHE-196,Planted Ancient Woodland (PAWS) restoration,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/** EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/** EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,grn/** EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/** EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/** EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-054 EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-054 EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-203EM EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-203EM EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LT*** EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LT*** EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/LT*** EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/LT** EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/LT** EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/*** EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/*** EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,grn/** EBHE-198,Restore / manage ancient woodland with native broadleaf species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203,Create / enhance / manage targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S EBHE-203C EBHE-203EM EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/** EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/** EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/D** EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/** EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/D** EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/D** EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/D** EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/D** EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/D** EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/D** EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/L** EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LT** EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/T*** EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/N EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,grn/* EBHE-203C,Create targeted scrub,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Scrub ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/** EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/** EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/** EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,grn/** EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/D** EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/D* EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/D** EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LT* EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LT* EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/* EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/* EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/* EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/* EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/L* EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/T* EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,amb/T* EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/T** EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-203EM,Enhance / manage targeted scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCA-026 EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCA-026 EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECCA-026 EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECCA-026 EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/M ECCA-026 EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205,"Create, Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/* EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,amb/T* EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/LTD* EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/LTD* EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/LTD* EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/** EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,grn/** EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/*** EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L** EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/T** EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD* EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCA-026 EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCA-026 EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECCA-026 EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECCA-026 EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD* EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD** EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/LTD** EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/LTD** EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/LTD*** EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/LTD*** EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,amb/LT*** EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LTD*** EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,grn/* EBHE-205C,Create wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/D** EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/** EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/** EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/** EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,grn/** EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/*** EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L** EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/T** EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD* EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-205EM,Enhance / manage wood pasture (eg through appropriate grazing),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/M EBHE-205C EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209,"Create, restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/TD** EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/** EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/** EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L* EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/L** EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LD* EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCA-026 EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCA-026 EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECCA-026 EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECCA-026 EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/** EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/* EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/** EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/*** EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,grn/* EBHE-209C,Create traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/TD** EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/** EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/** EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L* EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/L** EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LD* EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-203EM EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-203EM EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/T*** EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T*** EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/T*** EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/** EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,grn/** EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,amb/T*** EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/L** EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/*** EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,grn/* EBHE-209EM,Restore or manage traditional orchards with local varieties of fruit tree,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT** EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,grn/** EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/** EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/*** EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/D* EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/L* EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/T* EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/LT* EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD** EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/L* EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/* EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/L** EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-211,"Restore traditional field ponds, such as dew ponds in calcareous landscapes, using appropriate techniques and materials ",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212,Create / maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T** EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T** EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCM-043 EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCM-043 EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCM-043 EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCM-043 EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCM-043 EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCM-043 EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCM-043 EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCM-043 EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCM-043 EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCM-043 EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCM-043 EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-030 EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-030 EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/** EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/** EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/** EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/LT** EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/TD** EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/T* EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/* EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/N EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-212C,Create raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T** EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T** EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCM-043 EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCM-043 EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCM-043 EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCM-043 EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCM-043 EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCM-043 EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCM-043 EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCM-043 EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCM-043 EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCM-043 EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCM-043 EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-030 EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-030 EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/** EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/** EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/** EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/LT** EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/TD** EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/T* EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/M EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/M EBHE-212C EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-212EM,Maintain raised water level areas by appropriate installation and operation of water level controls,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214,"Create, enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/ EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/ EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/ EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,amb/T* EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T** EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T** EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT** EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT** EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/LT** EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/LT** EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/** EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECPW-022C EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/ EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/** EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/** EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/L* EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/** EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/L** EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-214C,Create locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T** EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T** EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/*** EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/T* EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/** EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/T* EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/** EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/** EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/** EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L* EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/LT** EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/* EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/* EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/L** EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-214EM,Enhance and manage locally distinctive flower rich / hay meadows using traditional techniques,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/D*** EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/D*** EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECPW-176EM EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/M ECPW-176EM EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECPW-176EM EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-176EM EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-176EM EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECPW-176EM EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-176EM EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-176EM EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECPW-176EM EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECPW-176EM EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECPW-176EM EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECPW-176EM EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/TD** EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/TD* EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LD* EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/* EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/L** EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/*** EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-216,"Rewet moorland (including common land), eg through appropriate traditional grazing techniques",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT* EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-249 EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-249 EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-219,Install / manage invisible fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/T** EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/** EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/* EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/* EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/* EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L** EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,red/* EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T* EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/T* EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/T* EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/T** EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,amb/T** EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-224,"Create cultivated fallow plots for arable flora and ground-nesting birds, potentially in association with grass margins, and areas where spring crops have been grown traditionally",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/D*** EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/D*** EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/* EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/* EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/** EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/* EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-226,Use rare breeds for conservation grazing,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/* EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-227,Maintain genetic diversity by rearing rare breed livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Selection and diversification ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M EBHE-219 EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/M EBHE-219 EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M EBHE-219 EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EBHE-219 EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EBHE-219 EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M EBHE-219 EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EBHE-219 EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EBHE-219 EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M EBHE-219 EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M EBHE-219 EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M EBHE-219 EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M EBHE-219 EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/* EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/* EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-228,Remove redundant fencing (replace with invisible fences if desirable),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/* EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/* EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-229,"Remove non-traditional, redundant structures","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/L** EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/L*** EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-231,Enhance / manage landscape character in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/*** EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,amb/T* EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,amb/T* EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-232,Maintain exposures of vertical or near-vertical faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LTD* EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LTD* EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LTD* EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LTD* EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LTD* EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,red/T** EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,red/T* EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LD* EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/T** EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/T* EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/T* EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T* EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T* EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/T** EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,amb/T** EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LT** EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,red/T** EBHE-233,Control scrub or trees to maintain views,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/TD* EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/* EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/* EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T* EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/* EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,amb/TD*** EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,amb/TD*** EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/TD* EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,red/* EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,red/** EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-234,Create / maintain safety fencing for geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/T* EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/* EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T* EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,amb/T* EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,amb/TD** EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,amb/TD*** EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/* EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/T* EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-236,Stabilise cave entrances,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LTD* EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/LTD* EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/** EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/TD* EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-238,Scrape rock faces,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/*** EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/*** EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,amb/T*** EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,grn/*** EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,grn/*** EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/** EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-239,Remove fly tipped rubbish from geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LTD* EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T* EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/* EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,amb/TD* EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,amb/TD* EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/T* EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-240,Re-excavate sections of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/TD** EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-241,Provide sample cores of geodiversity features / assets,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/** EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/L* EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LTD* EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T* EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/* EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,amb/TD* EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,amb/TD* EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/TD** EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/T* EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-242,Create / maintain trenches,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/* EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-243,Create casts or moulds of finite geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/TD* EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LTD*** EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/* EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/* EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,amb/TD* EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,amb/TD* EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,amb/TD* EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/TD*** EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/T* EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,amb/TD** EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-244,Remove man-made barriers around active geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LTD*** EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/T*** EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/* EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/TD* EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/TD* EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-246,Protect geodiversity features by protective cover,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LTD*** EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/* EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/* EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,amb/TD** EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,amb/TD** EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/** EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,red/* EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/TD* EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/TD* EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-247,Remove scree or spoil,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/** EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-248,Protect geodiversity features by burial,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/T* EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T* EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LTD*** EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T*** EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/* EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,amb/TD* EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,amb/TD*** EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,amb/TD*** EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/** EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/TD* EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/TD* EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-249,Create rock piles for sample collection,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/*** EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/*** EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/*** EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,grn/*** EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,grn/*** EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/** EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-250,Remove graffiti on geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/TD** EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/T* EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T* EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/* EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/* EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/*** EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,amb/TD** EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,amb/TD*** EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,amb/TD*** EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/** EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-251,Create / enhance / maintain access for caves or disused mines,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/D* EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/D* EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/M EBHE-005 EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/M EBHE-005 EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/M EBHE-005 EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/M EBHE-005 EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/M EBHE-005 EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/M EBHE-005 EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/M EBHE-005 EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/M EBHE-005 EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/M EBHE-005 EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/M EBHE-005 EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/M EBHE-005 EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/M EBHE-005 EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/LTD* EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,amb/LTD* EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/M EBHE-005 EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/M EBHE-005 EBHE-255,"Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via road (e.g. Small areas of hardstanding parking for cars and bicycles, cycle racks and shelters etc.)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/M EBHE-005 EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,red/* EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/** EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/T** EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,amb/T* EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LT** EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-256,Create / maintain small scale access facilities supporting travel to site via horse riding (e.g. hitching points and water for horses),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-257,"Create / maintain small scale facilities / street furniture on site (e.g. bins / recycling facilities, seats)","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/ EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/ EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/ EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/ EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/ EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/ EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/ EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/ EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/ EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/ EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/ EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/ EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/ EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/ EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/ EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/ EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/ EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/* EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/* EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/LTD* EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/N EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-262,"Provide small scale infrastructure to support community horticulture (e.g. rabbit proof barriers, bee hives, water butts, small cropping areas, raised beds, small glasshouses, poly tunnels, piped water)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/* EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,amb/L* EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,red/* EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/LD** EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,red/* EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,red/* EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/TD** EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-265,Dedicate new Byways Open to all Traffic,Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/** EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,grn/T*** EBHE-266,"Engage local community on how existing areas of tranquillity could be improved or new areas created, and the type of soundscape they would most value","Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/* EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/* EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-267,Store unused polythene away from public view,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/* EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/*** EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/** EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-268,Install / maintain visual and aural art features,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/ EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/ EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/ EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/ EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/T** EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/T** EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/T** EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/TD** EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/L** EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-269,Install / maintain water features to facilitate positive soundscape and mask unwanted sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/** EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-271,Create / enhance / manage sites for wildlife watching,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273,Plant / manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/** EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECAR-033C EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECAR-033C EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECAR-033C EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECAR-033C EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECAR-033C EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECAR-033C EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECAR-033C EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECAR-033C EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECAR-033C EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECAR-033C EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECAR-033C EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-024C EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-024C EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/T*** EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LT** EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LT** EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/LT*** EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/LT** EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/LT** EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/LT*** EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,amb/LT*** EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LT*** EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-273C,Plant trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/* EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/* EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECAR-033EM EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECAR-033EM EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECAR-033EM EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECAR-033EM EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECAR-033EM EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECAR-033EM EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECAR-033EM EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECAR-033EM EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECAR-033EM EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECAR-033EM EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECAR-033EM EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-024EM EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-024EM EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-203EM EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-203EM EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/M EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/M EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/M EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/M EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/M EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/M EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/M EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/M EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/M EBHE-273C EBHE-273EM,Manage trees and shrubs to mitigate noise from transport and facilitate positive sound,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/* EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/* EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-274,Remove polythene covering the frames of a polytunnel for a minimum period of six months in any calendar year,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/M EBHE-262 EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/M EBHE-262 EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/M EBHE-262 EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/M EBHE-262 EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/M EBHE-262 EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/M EBHE-262 EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/M EBHE-262 EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/M EBHE-262 EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/M EBHE-262 EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/M EBHE-262 EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/M EBHE-262 EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/M EBHE-262 EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/M EBHE-262 EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/M EBHE-262 EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/L** EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/M EBHE-262 EBHE-275,"Situate polytunnels at least 30m away from the boundary of the nearest residential dwelling, unless as a result of prior agreement with the neighbour concerned",Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/M EBHE-262 EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/* EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L** EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-278,"Remove waste plastics in an approved manner, wash, and segregate and store correctly and recycling. NB recycling scheme available locally required for compliance.",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/* EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/* EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/* EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCM-024EM EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCM-024EM EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCM-024EM EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCM-024EM EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCM-024EM EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCM-024EM EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCM-024EM EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCM-024EM EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCM-024EM EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCM-024EM EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCM-024EM EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LT*** EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD** EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/T* EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/T* EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/T* EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/T* EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/T* EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LT*** EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/LT*** EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/** EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/LTD*** EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/LD*** EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,amb/LD*** EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LT*** EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,grn/** EBHE-281,Set up or engage with community tree planting projects,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/D* EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/D* EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,red/* EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,red/* EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/M EBHE-023 EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-282,Create higher access rights on Open Access land (i.e. allow for activities currently restricted open access land by Schedule 2 of the CROW Act),Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/*** EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/* EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/*** EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,amb/LT** EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,amb/LD* EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/L*** EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/D** EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-284,"Create launch points for recreational activities by such as paddle sports, fishing, wild swimming, for able-bodied and disabled users",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/** EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/*** EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,grn/*** EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-287,Do not harrow or roll Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/* EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/** EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT** EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/*** EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,grn/*** EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,grn/*** EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-288,"Do not plough, sub-soil cultivate or re-seed across Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/** EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/** EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T** EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T** EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/T* EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/*** EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,grn/*** EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,grn/*** EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/T* EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-289,Maintain Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) under grass cover within woodlands,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/** EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,grn/* EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/* EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/*** EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,grn/*** EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,grn/*** EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/T* EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-290,"Establish / maintain a continuous grass sward / vegetation cover over Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments) with no ground disturbance, bare patches or erosion",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/* EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,red/* EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/*** EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,grn/*** EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,grn/*** EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,red/T* EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-292,Exclude burrowing animals from Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/** EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LTD* EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD* EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/*** EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,grn/*** EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,grn/*** EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/T* EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-293,Manage a permanent grassland for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/T* EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/T* EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/T* EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T*** EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/T*** EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/*** EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,grn/*** EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,grn/*** EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/T* EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-294,Enhance the management and presentation of Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/** EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/*** EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,grn/*** EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,grn/*** EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,grn/* EBHE-295,Prevent damage caused by vehicle use around Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T*** EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/T*** EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/*** EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,grn/*** EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,grn/*** EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-296,Remove eyesores from Registered Battlefields,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/D* EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/D* EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/D* EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/*** EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,grn/*** EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,grn/*** EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-297,"Re-site vehicle and stock access routes, supplementary feed areas, water troughs etc to conserve Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments)",Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T* EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T*** EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/T*** EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/*** EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,grn/*** EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,grn/*** EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-298,Undertake necessary conservation or consolidation works for listed buildings in the farmed landscape; Scheduled Monuments and heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/D* EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T* EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T*** EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/T*** EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/*** EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,grn/*** EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,grn/*** EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-299,Maintain necessary drainage works for Scheduled Monuments / heritage assets on the SHINE database (that are not Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T* EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-006 EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/L** EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/L* EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/L* EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/LT*** EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,amb/LD* EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/L** EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LD** EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-300,"Coordinate new public access with adjacent land managers (to link to transport hubs and community spaces, access land, National Trails and other parts of the off-road and quiet road network)",Create and enhance access and PROW,Create and enhance access and PROW / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,red/*** EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M EBHE-081 EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECPW-078 EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-078 EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/* EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/** EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,grn/** EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,grn/** EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-301,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage archaeological sites,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L** EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L** EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/L* EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L* EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/T* EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/L** EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/T* EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,amb/T* EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/T* EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-302,Install / maintain bird and insect houses,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/* EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/* EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/* EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/** EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/DL* EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L** EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-024C EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/ EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/T*** EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/L** EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/L*** EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,amb/L*** EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/M EBHE-273C EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,grn/** EBHE-303,Plant trees and hedges to mitigate the visual impact of polytunnels from the immediate view of neighbouring residential dwellings,Systems action,Systems action / Landscape actions ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,red/* EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T*** EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/T*** EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/*** EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,grn/*** EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,grn/*** EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-305,Undertake restoration works for the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T** EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T*** EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/T*** EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/*** EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,grn/*** EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,grn/*** EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-306,Remove eyesores from the following types of Listed Buildings (provided they are not also Scheduled Monuments): traditional farm buildings (non-residential); industrial buildings (that are not in active use),Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/* EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/* EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/* EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/* EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/** EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LT*** EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LT** EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-203EM EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-203EM EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LD*** EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/L** EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-307,Retain mature and veteran standing trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/* EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/* EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/* EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/ EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LT*** EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD** EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/T*** EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LD*** EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/L** EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/L* EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-308,Re-plant trees in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/*** EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LT* EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD* EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/** EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD*** EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/LTD*** EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-309,Maintain standing / fallen deadwood in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/* EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/L* EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/L* EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/T* EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/* EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LTD** EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/L** EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-310,Protect existing trees to prevent damage from livestock and wild animals in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/* EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/* EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/T* EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/L** EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-311,Enhance / maintain parkland features in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,grn/** EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,amb/LTD* EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/L* EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,amb/LT* EBHE-312,Maintain the current water regime in Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LT*** EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/LT*** EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/L* EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,amb/LTD* EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/L* EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-313,Remove eyesores from Registered Parks and Gardens,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,grn/T* EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/T* EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/T* EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/T* EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/T* EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/T* EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T* EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/T* EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,grn/T* EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T* EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/T* EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/T* EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,grn/T* EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,grn/T* EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/T* EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,grn/T* EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/T* EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/T* EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/T* EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,grn/T* EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/T* EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/T* EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,grn/T* EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/T* EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/M EBHE-104 EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/M EBHE-104 EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/M EBHE-104 EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/M EBHE-104 EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/M EBHE-104 EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/M EBHE-104 EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/M EBHE-104 EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/M EBHE-104 EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/M EBHE-104 EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/M EBHE-104 EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/M EBHE-104 EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/M EBHE-104 EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/M EBHE-104 EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/M EBHE-104 EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/M EBHE-104 EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/M EBHE-104 EBHE-314,Create a woodland management plan,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/M EBHE-104 EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T* EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T* EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/T* EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/ EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/ EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/ EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/ EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD*** EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/LTD*** EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/L*** EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/N EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LT* EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N EBHE-315,Enhance / manage biodiversity in urban parks,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T* EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T* EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/T* EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LTD* EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,red/* EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LTD* EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LTD* EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LTD* EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LTD* EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,red/T** EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,red/T* EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/TD* EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LTD*** EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/*** EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,amb/T* EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,amb/T* EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/*** EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,red/* EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/TD* EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,red/* EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,red/T** EBHE-316,Control scrub or trees on top or in front of geodiversity features,Geodiversity actions,Geodiversity actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/* ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/*** ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/L** ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECAR-001,"Cover slurry, sludge, and digestate stores where business is not regulated under IED",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/* ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/*** ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/L* ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/T** ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECAR-004,Increase the capacity of farm slurry and manure stores to improve timing of slurry applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/* ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/L* ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LTD* ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,red/*** ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECAR-006,"Dilute slurry to improve soil infiltration, coupled with irrigation",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,amb/L* ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/* ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/T* ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/* ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/* ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LT* ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/T** ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/** ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L* ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LTD* ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECAR-015,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture or arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/ ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/ ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/ ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/ ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/ ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/TL* ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/TL* ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/TL* ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LTD* ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L** ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/ ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/ ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/ ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECAR-015A,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in arable cropping systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/ ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/ ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/ ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/ ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/ ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/* ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/* ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/* ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/T* ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/* ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/ ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/ ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/ ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECAR-015B ,Replace nitrogen fertiliser application by using clover in pasture systems,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,red/* ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,amb/L* ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,red/* ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,red/* ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/D* ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,red/* ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,red/* ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,red/* ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,red/* ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,red/T* ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,red/T* ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,red/*** ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,red/*** ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,red/*** ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECAR-020,Extend the grazing season for cattle,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L** ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/LT* ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECAR-024,Wash and scrape fouled collecting yards after each use except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Wastewater",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L** ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECAR-026,Use improved livestock flooring systems (e.g. slatted flooring and grooved floors or stand-off pads / woodchip for over wintering cattle as an alternative to slurry-based housing),Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L*** ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L*** ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECAR-027,Use improved livestock housing+ infrastructure to reduce emissions (e.g. ammonia scrubbers and biotrickling filters to mechanically ventilate housing) unless regulated under IED.,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/D* ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECAR-028,Use poultry litter additives to reduce pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT*** ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT*** ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L** ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/L* ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT** ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LTD** ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LTD** ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LTD* ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT* ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,grn/** ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD* ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/L* ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/D* ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/ ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD** ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD** ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/LT** ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/** ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECAR-032,Create agroforestry systems,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Agroforestry ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECAR-033C ECAR-033EM ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT** ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT* ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,amb/T* ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/*** ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/** ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,amb/T* ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT** ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT* ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-024C ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-024C ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LTD* ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT* ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/LT* ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,red/* ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT** ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,red/* ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD** ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD** ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT** ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LD** ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECAR-033C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/*** ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/** ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,amb/T* ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT** ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT* ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/T* ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/L* ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-203EM ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-203EM ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/T** ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/T** ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/T* ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECAR-033EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition near sensitive habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L** ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/L* ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,amb/T** ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T** ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/T** ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T** ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/T* ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/T** ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECAR-034,Locate new slurry storage away from sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/* ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/** ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECAR-034 ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,amb/LT*** ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECAR-034 ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECAR-034 ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECAR-034 ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECAR-034 ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECAR-034 ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECAR-034 ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECAR-034 ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECAR-034 ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECAR-034 ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECAR-034 ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/T** ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECAR-036,Avoid spreading of organic manures close to protected area sensitive to ammonia / sensitive habitats,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/DT** ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/DT** ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/DT** ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/DT** ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/DT** ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L* ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LD* ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LD* ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/* ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/LT* ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LT** ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N ECAR-041,Reduce managed burning on non SAC / SPA desginated sites and on shallow peat,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042,Create / maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECAR-042C ECAR-042EM ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,amb/TD* ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT** ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT** ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/TD*** ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/TD*** ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/TD*** ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/TD*** ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M EHAZ-138 ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M EHAZ-138 ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/** ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT* ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/LT* ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,red/* ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/ ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/* ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECAR-042C,Create fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,amb/TD* ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT** ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT** ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/TD*** ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/TD*** ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/TD*** ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/TD*** ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M EHAZ-138 ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M EHAZ-138 ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/** ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT* ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/LT* ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,red/* ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/ ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/* ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECAR-042EM,Maintain fire breaks to minimise spread of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/L* ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LTD* ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LTD* ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LTD* ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L** ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/B ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/LT* ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,grn/* ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECAR-044,Ensure persistent continuous vegetation cover on land,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047,"Create / enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECAR-047C ECAR-047EM ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT** ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT* ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,amb/T* ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/*** ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/** ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,amb/T* ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT** ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT* ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-024C ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-024C ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LTD* ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT* ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/LT* ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,red/* ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT** ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,red/* ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD** ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD** ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/*** ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT** ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LD** ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECAR-047C,"Create shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L** ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/L** ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,amb/T* ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT** ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT* ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-024EM ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-024EM ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/T** ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/T** ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/T* ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECAR-047EM,"Enhance / manage shelter belts (tree, woodland, scrub, and hedgerow) with appropriate species composition on hill slopes","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-002,Create / maintain biosecurity signage in woodland / tree / nursery environment,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-004,Create / maintain washing facilities at key sites,"Signposting, information, facilities and events","Signposting, information, facilities and events / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/T* ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/T* ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/T* ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,grn/T* ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/T* ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,grn/T* ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/T* ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T** ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-005,Undertake a climate change vulnerability assessment,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,red/* ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/*** ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/*** ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT* ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/LTD* ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT** ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/** ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/** ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/TD* ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/TD* ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/*** ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/*** ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/L** ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/T* ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T** ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-006,"Re-naturalise river catchments by, for example, reconnecting rivers with their floodplain, restoring and realigning rivers, and restoring associated floodplain habitats.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-007,"Create, enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/TD* ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT* ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/*** ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/*** ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/TD* ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/TD* ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/ ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/ ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/ ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/TD* ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/TD** ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/T* ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/* ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-007C,"Create wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT** ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/** ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/T** ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/T** ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-030 ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-030 ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/*** ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/*** ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/TD* ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/TD* ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/ ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/ ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/ ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/TD* ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/TD** ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/T* ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/* ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-007EM,"Enhance / manage wetland habitat mosaics, including creating the appropriate hydrological conditions",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008,Create / enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECCA-008C ECCA-008EM ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L** ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L** ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L** ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/L** ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/LD* ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/** ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/** ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT* ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/** ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,grn/T*** ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/D* ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/D*** ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/L** ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-008C,Create high flow storage reservoirs,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L** ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L** ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L** ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/L** ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/LD* ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/** ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/** ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT* ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/** ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,grn/T*** ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/D* ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/D*** ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/L** ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-008EM,Enhance / maintain high flow storage reservoirs,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009,Create / restore / maintain ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECCA-009C ECCA-009EM ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L*** ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/*** ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,grn/*** ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/*** ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/*** ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/D* ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L*** ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,grn/* ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/* ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/LT** ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/T* ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD** ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/L** ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD** ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD** ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT** ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-009C,Create ponds and lakes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L*** ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/*** ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,grn/*** ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/*** ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/*** ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/D* ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L*** ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,grn/* ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/* ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/LT** ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/T* ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD** ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/L** ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T* ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-009EM,Restore / maintain ponds and lakes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010,Create / enhance / maintain washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECCA-010C ECCA-010EM ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L*** ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,grn/*** ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/*** ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/D** ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/D* ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L*** ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,grn/** ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/* ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/LT** ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD** ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/LT* ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD** ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD** ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-010C,Create washlands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L*** ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,grn/*** ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/*** ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/D** ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/D* ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L*** ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,grn/** ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/* ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/LT** ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD** ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/LT* ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-010EM,Enhance / maintain washlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013,Create / enhance artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/TD* ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT* ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T** ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T** ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,amb/T** ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,amb/T** ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/TD** ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/L* ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/T* ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/TD* ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/TD** ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/T* ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD** ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-013C,Create artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T** ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T** ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/M ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/M ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/M ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/M ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/T* ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD** ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-013EM,Enhance / maintain artificial wetlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014,Create / enhance / maintain swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECCA-014C ECCA-014EM ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/* ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/L* ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/D** ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/L* ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-014C,Create swales,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/* ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/L* ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/D** ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/L* ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-014EM,Enhance / maintain swales,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015,"Create / enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECCA-015C ECCA-015EM ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/TD* ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T** ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T** ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/* ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,grn/* ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,grn/* ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/* ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/L* ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/T* ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/T*** ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/L** ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T* ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-015C,"Create retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/TD* ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T** ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T** ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/* ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,grn/* ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,grn/* ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/* ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/L* ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/T* ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/T*** ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/L** ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T* ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-015EM,"Enhance / maintain retention basins, sediment ponds, and silt traps","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016,Create / enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECCA-016C ECCA-016EM ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T** ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T** ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT** ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT* ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT** ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT* ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT** ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT** ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,grn/* ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/L* ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,grn/* ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/L* ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-016C,Create Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T** ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T** ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT** ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT* ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT** ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT* ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT** ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT** ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,grn/* ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/L* ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,grn/* ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/L* ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-016EM,Enhance / manage Sustainable Drainage Systems on farmers own land,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017,"Plant / manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECCA-017C ECCA-017EM ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT* ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT* ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,amb/T* ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T** ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T** ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/T** ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECPW-044C ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECPW-044C ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-044C ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-044C ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECPW-044C ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-044C ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-044C ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECPW-044C ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECPW-044C ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECPW-044C ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECPW-044C ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-024C ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-024C ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LT* ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT* ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD** ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/LTD** ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD** ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT** ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LD** ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-017C,"Plant trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT* ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T** ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T** ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/T** ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECPW-044EM ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECPW-044EM ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-044EM ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-044EM ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECPW-044EM ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-044EM ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-044EM ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECPW-044EM ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECPW-044EM ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECPW-044EM ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECPW-044EM ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-024EM ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-024EM ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/T*** ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LTD* ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,red/* ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,red/* ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/T** ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/T** ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/T* ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-017EM,"Manage trees to slow water, particularly cross-slope planting","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S EBHE-209C EBHE-209EM ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-018,Plant and manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT** ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT** ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,grn/** ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T*** ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T** ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T** ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/T** ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/TD** ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/TD** ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/TD** ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/D* ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/TD* ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/TD** ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-048 ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-048 ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LTD*** ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LTD*** ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/ ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,red/* ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,red/* ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD*** ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD*** ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/LT* ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,red/TD* ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/** ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/*** ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LT*** ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-018C,Plant large-scale woodland in priority catchments,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,amb/T** ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T** ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T** ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/T** ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/TD* ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/TD* ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/TD* ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/D* ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/TD* ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/TD* ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-048 ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-048 ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-203EM ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-203EM ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/T** ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/T** ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/T* ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-018EM,Manage large-scale woodland in priority catchments,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020,Create / enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECCA-020C ECCA-020EM ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,grn/* ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,grn/* ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-020C,Create small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,grn/* ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,grn/* ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-020EM,Enhance / maintain small barriers in ditches,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T** ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T** ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T** ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/T** ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,grn/*** ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/TD** ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ETPW-205C ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ETPW-205C ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ETPW-205C ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/T*** ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-024,Create new areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LD* ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LD* ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LD* ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LD* ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/LD* ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/T** ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD** ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/** ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/** ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/TD** ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/*** ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/** ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-026,"Plant a range of native species, including trees grown from locally adapted and genetically diverse seed sources, and from more southerly provenances",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T** ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T** ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/T** ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCM-049 ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCM-049 ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCM-049 ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCM-049 ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCM-049 ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCM-049 ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCM-049 ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCM-049 ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCM-049 ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCM-049 ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCM-049 ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-054 ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/ ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/* ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/** ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-027,Encourage diversification of the stand and continuity of canopy cover through natural regeneration of native species in semi-natural woodland,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,amb/LTD* ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T** ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T** ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/T** ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LTD* ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/* ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-028,Transform (native and exotic) plantation woodland to continuous cover system of management,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/** ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,red/* ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-030,"Install / enhance / maintain infrastructure to cope with extreme events (culverts, bridges, access tracks etc.)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT*** ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT* ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT** ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT** ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT** ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-032,Provide feeding / breeding / shelter and rest areas to support the lifecycles of species threatened by climate change,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033,Create / enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECCA-033C ECCA-033EM ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT*** ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/** ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LTD*** ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LTD* ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD* ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,amb/T** ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,amb/T* ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,amb/T* ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/LDT* ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/LTD* ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/** ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-033C,Create coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT*** ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT* ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/L* ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/L* ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,amb/T** ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/** ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/** ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-033EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats to compensate for losses to climate change as part of a coastal management plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034,Create / enhance / manage natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECCA-034C ECCA-034EM ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT** ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT** ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT** ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT** ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT** ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/LTD* ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/LTD* ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT** ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/B ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/B ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T* ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/T* ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T* ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/T* ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-034C,Create natural refugia,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT** ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT** ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT** ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT** ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT** ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/LTD* ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/LTD* ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT** ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/B ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/B ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T* ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/T* ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T* ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/T* ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-034EM,"Enhance, manage natural refugia",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T* ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/T* ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/ ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/T* ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,grn/T* ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/T* ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/ ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/ ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LTD** ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/L* ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/T* ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/T* ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/* ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-035,Prepare and implement wildfire management plans,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/** ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,amb/T* ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/L* ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/* ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LTD* ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT** ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/TD** ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/* ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/T* ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/LTD* ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LTD* ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-024C ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-024C ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LTD* ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,amb/LTD* ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/** ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/LT* ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,red/* ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD** ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD** ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT** ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LD** ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-036,Plant trees alongside water courses to provide shade and reduce water temperatures within rivers,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/** ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/** ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/** ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/** ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/*** ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/*** ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LT** ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LT* ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-047,Source trees from bio secure suppliers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T* ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T* ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/T* ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCA-024 ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCA-024 ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCA-050,Restore degraded areas of habitat adjacent to existing habitat patches to increase patch size and help sustain more viable species populations.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,grn/* ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T* ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T* ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L** ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L** ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT** ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,grn/** ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L** ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/B ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/B ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/* ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-001,"Diversify arable rotations (including cover and catch crops, over and under sowing).","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/ ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/ ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/ ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LTD* ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LDT* ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LDT* ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/DT* ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/L* ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-003,Use improved crop varieties to increase nutrient use efficiency,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/ ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/ ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/ ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/ ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/T* ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/T* ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/T* ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/T* ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T* ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T* ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/T* ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/ ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/ ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/ ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/ ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-004,Nutrient Management Plan,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T* ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T* ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/T* ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/T* ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/T* ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,red/* ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/D* ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/** ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,red/*** ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-005,Restore or enhance land drainage on mineral soils,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/** ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,red/* ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-006,Replace urea and Urease Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertiliser with ammonia nitrate fertiliser for Nitrogen applications,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/** ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/** ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-008,"Use improved livestock housing management practices (e.g. regular slurry scraping, washing down floors and yards, using electric or robotic scrapers) and store scrapings appropriately where business is not regulated under IED",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/** ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/** ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-009,"Use improved manure storage systems (e.g. covers, scraping, flushing, removal of slurry, slurry channels, floating balls, etc.)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L*** ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L*** ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/L* ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-010,Acidify slurry and digestate during spreading where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/** ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,grn/** ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/* ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-011,Use Anaerobic Digestion of livestock wastes at central sites (with sustainability criteria to limit incorporation of purpose grown crops),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/* ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-012,Integrate high-sugar grass varieties,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T* ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T* ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/** ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-013,Active diet and feed planning management to match animal requirements,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/* ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/TD* ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T* ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T* ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/T** ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/T** ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T** ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/T** ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/T* ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T** ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/T** ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L** ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/L* ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L* ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-014,Use low-intensity grazing systems using biodiverse sward mixtures,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/T* ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,amb/T* ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T* ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T* ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/T* ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LD* ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LD* ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LD* ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LD* ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LD* ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/T* ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/* ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,amb/T* ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,amb/T* ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/T*** ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/TD*** ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT* ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-021,Farm perennial crops,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T* ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T* ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/L* ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L* ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD* ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/TD* ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-023,Use green manures within the rotation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024,"Plant / manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECCM-024C ECCM-024EM ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT** ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT* ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,amb/T* ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/*** ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/** ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,amb/T* ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT** ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT* ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,grn/** ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/TD* ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LTD* ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT* ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/LT* ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,red/* ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT** ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,red/* ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/L** ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/L** ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT** ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LD** ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-024C,"Plant trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/TL* ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/TL* ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/TL* ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,amb/T* ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT** ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT* ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/T* ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/TD* ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-203EM ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-203EM ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/T** ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/T** ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/T* ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-024EM,"Manage trees outside of woodlands, including shelterbelts","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECCM-025C ECCM-025EM ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT* ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT* ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,amb/T* ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/T* ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/*** ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/* ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/D*** ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT* ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/D*** ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/D*** ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/*** ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,grn/** ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/L* ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/* ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LTD* ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/ ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/ ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,red/* ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,red/* ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD** ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD** ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/*** ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-025C,Plant hedgerows,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/T* ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/*** ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/* ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT* ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/*** ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/*** ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/L** ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/L* ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L* ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-025EM,Enhance / manage hedgerows,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T* ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/T* ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/T* ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/T* ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/L* ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/** ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-028,Manage temporary grassland reseeding frequency,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT* ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T*** ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/T* ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/*** ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/ ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/ ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/*** ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-030,Restore / manage upland and lowland peatlands including blanket bog and raised bog,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,red/* ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/D* ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T** ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/T** ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T** ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/T* ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-030 ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-030 ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/L*** ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L** ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/LT* ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LT** ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N ECCM-031,Use controlled grazing (bogs and peatlands),Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T*** ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCA-007EM ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-030 ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-030 ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-032,"Manage hydrology in wetland habitats to restore functional processes,",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T*** ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/L* ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/** ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT** ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/L* ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-030 ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-030 ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD** ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/LTD** ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD** ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-033,Restore peatland vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T** ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/L* ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/T** ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T** ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/T** ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T** ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/T** ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,red/** ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/D*** ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-034,Remove non-peat habitat vegetation,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T*** ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/TDL* ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/TDL* ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/TDL* ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/L* ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/T*** ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/T*** ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-035,Use no-till cultivation on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/L** ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T** ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/TL* ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/TL* ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/TL* ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/L* ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/LT* ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/LT* ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/* ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-037,Restrict root crops in agricultural peatlands,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T** ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/ ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/ ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/ ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/TL* ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/TL* ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/TL* ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/TL* ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/*** ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-038,Raise water levels in areas of farmed peatland and adapt farming systems accordingly,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT* ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT* ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T*** ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M EBHE-164C ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-030 ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-030 ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/ ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD** ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/LTD** ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD** ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-039,Restore areas of farmed peatland to wetland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042,Create / enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECCM-042C ECCM-042EM ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ETPW-081EM ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-081EM ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ETPW-081EM ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-081EM ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ETPW-081EM ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ETPW-081EM ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/L* ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/L* ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/TD* ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/TD* ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/* ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-042C,Create approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ETPW-081EM ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-081EM ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ETPW-081EM ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-081EM ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ETPW-081EM ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ETPW-081EM ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/L* ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/L* ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/TD* ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/TD* ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/* ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-042EM,Enhance approaches to maintain water tables in coastal habitat and marshland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-070 ETPW-081 ETPW-179 ETPW-180 ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-070 ETPW-081 ETPW-179 ETPW-180 ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S EHAZ-070 ETPW-081 ETPW-179 ETPW-180 ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-070 ETPW-081 ETPW-179 ETPW-180 ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EHAZ-070 ETPW-081 ETPW-179 ETPW-180 ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-070 ETPW-081 ETPW-179 ETPW-180 ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S EHAZ-070 ETPW-081 ETPW-179 ETPW-180 ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EHAZ-070 ETPW-081 ETPW-179 ETPW-180 ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-070 ETPW-081 ETPW-179 ETPW-180 ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S EHAZ-070 ETPW-081 ETPW-179 ETPW-180 ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S EHAZ-070 ETPW-081 ETPW-179 ETPW-180 ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S EHAZ-070 ETPW-081 ETPW-179 ETPW-180 ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S EHAZ-070 ETPW-081 ETPW-179 ETPW-180 ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S EHAZ-070 ETPW-081 ETPW-179 ETPW-180 ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S EHAZ-070 ETPW-081 ETPW-179 ETPW-180 ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/M ECCA-033C ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/TD* ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/TD* ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT*** ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD*** ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD*** ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/LT** ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/*** ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-043,"Create, enhance or manage coastal wetland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,red/* ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/D* ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/D* ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT** ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/TD** ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/TD** ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/TD** ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/TD* ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/TD** ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/B ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/B ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/* ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/* ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,red/* ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/* ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-046,"Use controlled grazing on intertidal, saline, salt marsh and coastal grassland habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/* ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/T** ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,grn/T** ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T*** ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T* ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T* ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/T* ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/TD** ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/TD** ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/TD** ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/D* ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/TD* ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/TD** ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,grn/*** ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/TD** ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/** ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/** ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/TD** ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/T*** ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,amb/T** ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/T* ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,red/* ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/T*** ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD*** ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD*** ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/LT*** ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,red/TD** ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/** ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/*** ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LT*** ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-048,Create woodland on a large scale,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT* ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT* ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,amb/T* ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/** ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T* ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T* ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/T* ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT*** ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT*** ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT*** ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT*** ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L* ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LT*** ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LT*** ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/ ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/ ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/* ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/** ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-049,Create woodland through natural regeneration,Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Woodland,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S EBHE-214C EBHE-214EM ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-051,"Create, enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT* ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT* ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,amb/T** ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/L* ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L*** ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/*** ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/TD*** ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/TD*** ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/TD*** ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/TD*** ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,red/* ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/TD* ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/TD*** ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/T*** ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/TD** ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/T** ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/L*** ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/L*** ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT** ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-051C,Create buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT* ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT* ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,amb/T** ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/L* ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCM-051C ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCA-024 ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCA-024 ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT* ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/LT* ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,red/* ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/T* ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-051EM,Enhance or manage buffer zones around ancient woodland (including through extension of existing woodland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052,Plant / enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECCM-052C ECCM-052EM ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/* ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/* ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/* ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD*** ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/LTD*** ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/L*** ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/L*** ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LT* ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-052C,Plant trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/* ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/* ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,grn/* ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD*** ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/LTD*** ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/L*** ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/L*** ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LT* ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-052EM,Enhance trees in streets and parks in urban areas,"Maintenance, restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens",Maintenance restoration of habitat features in Parks and Gardens / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L*** ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,grn/*** ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/*** ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/T* ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/TD* ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-309 ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-053,"Manage deadwood (where appropriate, remove diseased deadwood, leave healthy deadwood to contribute to carbon storage)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T** ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/L* ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCA-028 ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCA-028 ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-028 ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-028 ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCA-028 ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-028 ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-028 ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCA-028 ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCA-028 ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCA-028 ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCA-028 ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LT* ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LT* ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-054,"Diversify woodland / forest / plantation stand structure and species, including by the use of continuous cover systems of management (ECC028)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT* ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/TD** ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,amb/D** ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M EBHE-209C ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M EBHE-209C ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EBHE-209C ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EBHE-209C ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M EBHE-209C ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EBHE-209C ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EBHE-209C ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M EBHE-209C ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M EBHE-209C ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M EBHE-209C ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M EBHE-209C ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M EBHE-209C ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M EBHE-209C ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/M EBHE-209C ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/M EBHE-209C ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/M EBHE-209C ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/M EBHE-209C ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/M EBHE-209C ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD** ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD** ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-055,Plant traditional orchards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/* ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/* ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/* ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/* ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/*** ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/* ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LTD** ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LD* ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-310 ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-310 ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,grn/* ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-056,Manage veteran and ancient trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/L* ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/T** ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/LT* ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,grn/T** ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/T** ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/LT* ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,grn/T* ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/T* ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/T* ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/T* ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/LT** ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT** ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/LT** ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/LT** ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/LT** ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,amb/LT** ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LT** ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-058,Monitor health of trees,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/* ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/T* ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/* ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/* ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECAR-015 ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/* ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/** ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L* ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-059,Incorporate clovers and other legumes in grazed pastures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,grn/*** ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/** ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-060,Use of renewable energy for heating and lighting greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,grn/T* ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/T* ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-061,Create and use an energy consumption optimisation plan,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,amb/T** ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-062,Reuse of captured CO2 in greenhouses,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,grn/*** ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/T* ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-063,Monitor energy consumption and implement targets,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,amb/T* ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/L** ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/L* ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-065,Switch to using peat alternatives in horticultural growing media,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/** ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-069,Use more high starch and reduced crude protein in diets,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/* ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/* ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/DTL* ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L* ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/** ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD* ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/LT* ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/LT* ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-071,Use intercropping,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074,"Plant, enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice)",Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECCM-074C ECCM-074EM ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,grn/** ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T* ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T* ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/T* ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LD** ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L* ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,red/* ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,red/* ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,red/* ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LD* ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LT* ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD** ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-074C,Plant bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,grn/** ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T* ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T* ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/T* ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LD** ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L* ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,red/* ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,red/* ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,red/* ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LD* ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LT* ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD** ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-074EM,Enhance or manage bioenergy crops (eg. short rotation coppice),Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT* ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT* ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,grn/*** ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT* ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L** ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-075,Install agrivoltaics,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/** ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-077,Use of urease inhibitors with urea fertilisers,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/* ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-078,Use of polymer coated urea (slow release),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/LD* ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/** ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-079,"Use nitrification inhibitors with nitrogen fertiliser manures, applied to grassland and animals (slow release bolus)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080,Plant / enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECCM-080C ECCM-080EM ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L** ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/L** ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCM-025C ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,amb/T* ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCM-025C ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCM-025C ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCM-025C ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCM-025C ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCM-025C ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCM-025C ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCM-025C ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCM-025C ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCM-025C ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCM-025C ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-025C ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-025C ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/** ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/L*** ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/*** ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-080C,Plant hedgerows around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Hedgerow ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L** ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/L** ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/*** ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,amb/LT* ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/* ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT* ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/*** ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/*** ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-025EM ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-025EM ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L* ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/L* ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECCM-080EM, Enhance / manage hedgerows around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/D* ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/D* ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/D* ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/* ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/LT* ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECPW-279 ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-279 ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-279 ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-002,"Minimise bare soil to reduce soil loss e.g. cover crops, crop residues, trees coppice etc",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECPW-255 ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-255 ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-255 ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECPW-255 ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-255 ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-255 ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECPW-255 ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECPW-255 ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECPW-255 ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECPW-255 ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/L* ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-003,Avoid cultivation and trafficking on wet soils,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-002 ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/T** ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/T** ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-005,Use restorative vegetation cover following destoning or lifting of root crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022,"Create, enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECPW-022C ECPW-022EM ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T* ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/*** ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/T* ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/T* ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/*** ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/T* ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/T* ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/*** ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/** ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/L*** ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/L*** ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/* ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/LT** ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-022C,Create species-rich grassland habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T* ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/*** ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/T** ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/** ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/TL* ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/*** ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LT* ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LT* ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/* ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/* ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-022EM,Enhance or manage species-rich grassland habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,red/* ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,red/* ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,red/* ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,red/* ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,red/* ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-002 ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-025,Harvest and establish the following crop early in the Autumn,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/** ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-028,"Enhance management of maize including early harvest, use of early maturing varieties, early planting times and establishment of a cover crop",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/* ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/* ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/** ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD* ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-031,Use companion crops,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,amb/TD* ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/TDL** ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L* ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/** ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/* ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/L* ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/** ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-032,Use herbal and grass leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T* ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T* ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/L* ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LT* ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/LTD* ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/TD* ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-039,Aeration of soils in grassland situations to remove surface compaction / capping especially from sheep grazing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040,Create / maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECPW-040C ECPW-040EM ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M EHAZ-028 ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LTD* ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LTD* ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-040C,Create livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M EHAZ-028 ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LTD* ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LTD* ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-040EM,Maintain livestock tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042,"Create, enhance or manage riparian buffer strips",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECPW-042C ECPW-042EM ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/** ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/M ECPW-291C ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/M ECPW-291C ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/M ECPW-291C ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ETPW-271C ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ETPW-271C ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ETPW-271C ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-271C ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ETPW-271C ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ETPW-271C ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-271C ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ETPW-271C ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ETPW-271C ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ETPW-271C ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ETPW-271C ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECPW-291C ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/ ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/T** ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LTD* ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,grn/* ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT** ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/LT* ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-042C,Create riparian buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/** ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/M ECPW-291EM ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/M ECPW-291EM ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/M ECPW-291EM ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECPW-291EM ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECPW-291EM ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-291EM ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-291EM ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECPW-291EM ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-291EM ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-291EM ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECPW-291EM ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECPW-291EM ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECPW-291EM ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECPW-291EM ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECPW-291EM ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/ ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/T** ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LTD* ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,grn/* ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT** ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/LT* ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-042EM,Enhance or manage riparian buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECPW-044C and ECPW-044EM ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECPW-044C and ECPW-044EM ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECPW-044C and ECPW-044EM ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECPW-044C and ECPW-044EM ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECPW-044C and ECPW-044EM ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECPW-044C and ECPW-044EM ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECPW-044C and ECPW-044EM ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECPW-044C and ECPW-044EM ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECPW-044C and ECPW-044EM ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-044C and ECPW-044EM ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECPW-044C and ECPW-044EM ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECPW-044C and ECPW-044EM ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECPW-044C and ECPW-044EM ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECPW-044C and ECPW-044EM ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECPW-044C and ECPW-044EM ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-048 ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-048 ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD** ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD** ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-044,"Create, manage or enhance targeted woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT* ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT* ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,amb/T** ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T** ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/L* ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/T** ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/T** ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T** ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT** ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/TD*** ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/LT* ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/TD* ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/TD** ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-048 ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-048 ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/T*** ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD** ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD** ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LD** ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-044C,Create targeted woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/L* ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,amb/T* ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/LT* ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/L* ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/T** ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/T** ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T** ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT** ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/TD** ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/LT* ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/TD* ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/TD** ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-048 ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-048 ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-203EM ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-203EM ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-044EM,Manage or enhance targeted woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046,"Create, enhance or manage channels",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECPW-046C ECPW-046EM ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCA-016C ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCA-016C ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-016C ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-016C ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCA-016C ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-016C ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-016C ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCA-016C ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCA-016C ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCA-016C ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCA-016C ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LT* ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT* ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/LT* ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-046C,Create channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCA-016EM ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCA-016EM ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-016EM ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-016EM ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCA-016EM ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-016EM ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-016EM ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCA-016EM ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCA-016EM ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCA-016EM ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCA-016EM ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LT* ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT* ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/LT* ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T* ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-046EM,Enhance or manage channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048,"Create, enhance or manage water retention ponds",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECPW-048C ECPW-048EM ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L* ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,grn/* ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/* ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/L** ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD** ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD** ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-048C,Create water retention ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L* ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,grn/* ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/* ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/L** ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T* ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-048EM,Enhance or manage water retention ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050,"Construct / maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECPW-050C ECPW-050EM ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/ ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/ ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/ ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-050C,"Construct walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/ ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/ ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/ ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-050EM,"Maintain walls (e.g. across contours, wide base, piping)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/** ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT** ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT** ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT* ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT** ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT* ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/T* ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LT** ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/** ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/TD* ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/TD* ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/M ECCA-006 ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/M ECCA-006 ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/LT** ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LTD* ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD** ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/T* ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/TD** ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-059,Reconnect rivers with floodplains,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060,"Create, enhance or maintain river habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECPW-060C ECPW-060EM ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/B ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/B ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/ ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT** ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/L* ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD** ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD** ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-060C,Create river habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/B ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/B ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/ ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT** ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/L* ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-060EM,Enhance or maintain river habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCA-016EM ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCA-016EM ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-016EM ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-016EM ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCA-016EM ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-016EM ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-016EM ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCA-016EM ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCA-016EM ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCA-016EM ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCA-016EM ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LT* ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT* ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/LT* ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/TD* ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-061,Reconnect relic channels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065,Create / maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECPW-065C ECPW-065EM ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCA-020C ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCA-020C ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/*** ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/** ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/M ECCA-020C ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/TD* ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/M ECCA-020C ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/TD* ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-065C,Create check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCA-020EM ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCA-020EM ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/*** ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/** ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/M ECCA-020EM ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/TD* ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/M ECCA-020EM ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/TD* ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-065EM,Maintain check dams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/** ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/** ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/L* ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/L* ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/L* ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T** ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-066,Reinstate river meanders,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L*** ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/L*** ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/L*** ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/L*** ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LD* ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LD* ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LD* ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-067,Monitor and control damaging aquatic plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,grn/* ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/L* ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,grn/* ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T** ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-068,Reinstate pool riffle sequence,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LTD* ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,amb/LTD* ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LTD* ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T* ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-069,Re-naturalise bed levels,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M EHAZ-103 ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,amb/LT* ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T* ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-070,Re-naturalise bank profiles (eg where overdeepened or straightened),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECPW-071C ECPW-071EM ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECPW-071C ECPW-071EM ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECPW-071C ECPW-071EM ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECPW-071C ECPW-071EM ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECPW-071C ECPW-071EM ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECPW-071C ECPW-071EM ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-071C ECPW-071EM ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-071C ECPW-071EM ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECPW-071C ECPW-071EM ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-071C ECPW-071EM ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-071C ECPW-071EM ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECPW-071C ECPW-071EM ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECPW-071C ECPW-071EM ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECPW-071C ECPW-071EM ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECPW-071C ECPW-071EM ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/ ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECPW-071C ECPW-071EM ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/ ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/ ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/ ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/ ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/ ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECPW-071C ECPW-071EM ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECPW-071C ECPW-071EM ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECPW-071C ECPW-071EM ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECPW-071C ECPW-071EM ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECPW-071C ECPW-071EM ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECPW-071C ECPW-071EM ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECPW-071C ECPW-071EM ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/L*** ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/L*** ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/LT** ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LD** ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-071,"Create, enhance or manage floodplain woodland",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT* ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT* ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,amb/T* ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T** ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/T*** ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/T** ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/* ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T** ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT** ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/* ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T** ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/T** ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/T** ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/L*** ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD** ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-203EM ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-203EM ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT* ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/LT* ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,red/* ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/L*** ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/L*** ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T** ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LD** ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-071C,Create floodplain woodland,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT* ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT* ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,amb/T* ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/T* ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T* ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/T* ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T* ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/T* ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/T* ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-048 ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-048 ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-203EM ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-203EM ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT* ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/LT* ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,red/* ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-071EM,Enhance or manage floodplain woodland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/D** ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,amb/TD* ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/T* ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT* ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/LT** ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/LT** ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LTD* ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD* ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-078,Monitor and control damaging terrestrial plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECPW-080C ECPW-080EM ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-080,"Create, enhance, manage wind breaks",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/L* ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,amb/T* ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT** ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT* ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-024C ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-024C ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT** ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/L** ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/L** ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LD** ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-080C,Create wind breaks,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/L* ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,amb/T* ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT** ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT* ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECAR-033EM ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECAR-033EM ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-203EM ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-203EM ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-080EM,"Enhance, manage, wind breaks","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,red/* ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T* ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T* ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/** ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,grn/** ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/** ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,grn/* ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/** ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M EHAZ-070EM ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/ ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/M ECCA-033C ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/* ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/* ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LD* ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/* ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T* ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-083,Control grazing on sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L** ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L** ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L** ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-002 ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECPW-279 ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-279 ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-279 ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LT* ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT* ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/* ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-095,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/L* ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L* ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT* ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,grn/* ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-096,Resurface gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T* ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T* ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-097,Install / maintain permeable surfaces in urban areas (e.g. permeable pavements),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,grn/*** ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-099,Provide drinking water for livestock as an alternative to drinking from watercourses,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT* ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/D* ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/* ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/* ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-100,Install / maintain culverts in ditches to reduce sedimentation and bacteria levels in water bodies,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/** ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,amb/L* ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,grn/* ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/ ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-103,Construct bridges for livestock and machinery crossing watercourses,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L*** ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L*** ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/L* ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-106,"Target application of fertiliser (time, location, soil type, environment, weather at time of application and afterwards) to match crop need and minimise losses",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L** ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD* ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/LTD* ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/D* ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-109,Maintain optimum soil pH,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/T** ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L** ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ETPW-242 ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/L* ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/LTD* ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-110,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) applications in high risk areas,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L** ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-112,"Separate clean water from dirty water and slurry (e.g. roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores, rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes, concrete yard renewal, sleeping policemen, cross drains and underground drainage, yard",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/** ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/** ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/T*** ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-115,"Switch to efficient / precision fertiliser application machinery (e.g. trailing hose, trailing shoe or injection, GPS)",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/** ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/** ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-123,"Install / maintain roofing over livestock yards, manure, slurry and silage stores",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/L* ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-124,"Install / maintain rainwater goods (eg gutters, downpipes)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/T* ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L** ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/L** ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/L* ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-125,Improve concrete yards,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECPW-040C ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECPW-040C ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-040C ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-040C ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECPW-040C ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-040C ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-040C ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECPW-040C ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECPW-040C ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECPW-040C ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECPW-040C ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/L* ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,grn/* ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-126,Install / maintain track drainage features such as sleeping policemen and guttering,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCA-016C ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCA-016C ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-016C ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-016C ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCA-016C ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-016C ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-016C ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCA-016C ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCA-016C ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCA-016C ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCA-016C ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/D* ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LT* ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT* ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/LT* ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/LT* ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD** ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/ ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-127,Cross drains and underground drainage,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECPW-112 ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-128,Install / maintain yard inspection pits,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/** ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/* ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/L* ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-131,Separate slurry and digestate (liquid and solid) and store separately,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/LD* ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-133,Cool slurries on farms where business is not regulated under IED,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/** ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-134,Store solid manure heaps on an impermeable base and collect effluent,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-135,Minimise the volume of dirty water produced (e.g. reduce usage of wash water),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/** ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,grn/** ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T** ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T** ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-136,Utilise slurry / organic waste for biogas production,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/*** ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/LTD** ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/LTD** ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-137,Export manure and slurry,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/T** ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,red/* ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-141,Use ad lib feeding system,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/** ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/M ECCM-013 ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-145,"Optimise livestock feeding strategy to match animal requirements, (e.g. protein, lipids) except where farms are subject to the provisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive",Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/** ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/M ECCM-013 ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-146,Use phase feeding of livestock,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L*** ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L*** ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/* ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-152,"Keep poultry litter dry (through storage / covering, maintaining drinkers) and regularly removing litter using cleaning belts where not applicable under Bat environmental permitting regs.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECPW-156C ECPW-156EM ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECPW-156C ECPW-156EM ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECPW-156C ECPW-156EM ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECPW-156C ECPW-156EM ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECPW-156C ECPW-156EM ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECPW-156C ECPW-156EM ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECPW-156C ECPW-156EM ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECPW-156C ECPW-156EM ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECPW-156C ECPW-156EM ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-156C ECPW-156EM ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-156C ECPW-156EM ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECPW-156C ECPW-156EM ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-024 ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-024 ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECPW-156C ECPW-156EM ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECPW-156C ECPW-156EM ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECPW-156C ECPW-156EM ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECPW-156C ECPW-156EM ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECPW-156C ECPW-156EM ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECPW-156C ECPW-156EM ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/M ECCM-024 ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/M ECCM-024 ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/M ECCM-024 ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/M ECCM-024 ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/L** ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/L** ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LD** ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-156,"Plant, enhance or manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woodland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L** ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/L** ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,amb/T* ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT* ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LTD* ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LTD* ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT* ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-024C ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-024C ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECCA-026 ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/L** ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/L** ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/* ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LD** ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-156C,Plant trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Woody features ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L** ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/L** ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,amb/T* ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT* ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT* ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-024EM ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-024EM ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-203EM ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-203EM ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-156EM,Enhance / manage trees and shrubs around point-source polluters,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woody features ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157,"Create, enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECPW-157C ECPW-157EM ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECAR-033C ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECAR-033C ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECAR-033C ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECAR-033C ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECAR-033C ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECAR-033C ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECAR-033C ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECAR-033C ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECAR-033C ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECAR-033C ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECAR-033C ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECPW-291C ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/ ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/** ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/*** ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-157C,Create buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECAR-033C ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECAR-033C ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECAR-033C ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECAR-033C ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECAR-033C ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECAR-033C ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECAR-033C ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECAR-033C ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECAR-033C ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECAR-033C ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECAR-033C ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECPW-291C ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/ ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/ ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/ ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/ ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/ ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/ ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/ ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/ ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/ ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T* ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-157EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips (including trees) around boreholes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,red/*** ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,red/*** ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-158,Install bioreactor (straw) into field drainage system,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-160,Redirect field drains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168,Create / maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECPW-168C ECPW-168EM ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/* ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/* ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/* ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/* ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/* ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/* ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/TD* ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/TD* ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/L* ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,grn/* ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,grn/* ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-168C,Create leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/* ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/* ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/* ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/* ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/* ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/* ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/TD* ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/TD* ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/L* ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,grn/* ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,grn/* ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-168EM,Maintain leaky woody structures and woody debris in small water courses and their flood plains,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/*** ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/T* ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/L** ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,grn/*** ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT** ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/* ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T** ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-170,"Fence off rivers, streams, lakes and ponds from livestock to prevent bankside erosion, reduce nutrient input and faecal contamination, and prevent poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/** ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/** ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/** ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/** ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ETPW-242 ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/** ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/LTD* ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-171,Use very low inputs on permanent grassland,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/** ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/** ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ETPW-242 ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/*** ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/LTD* ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,grn/* ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-173,Use no fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176,"Create, enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics)",Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECPW-176C ECPW-176EM ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T* ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/T** ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/T* ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/T** ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/T* ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/T** ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LT* ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LT* ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,amb/T* ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/T* ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/T* ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD*** ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD*** ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LTD*** ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-176C,Create heathland (including heathland mosaics),Habitat creation,"Habitat creation / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T* ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T** ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/T** ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T** ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/T* ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/T** ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M EBHE-216 ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M EBHE-216 ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/T* ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/T* ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-176EM,Enhance or manage heathland (including heathland mosaics),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/** ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/** ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT** ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT** ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT** ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT* ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,red/* ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/** ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/** ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-180,Whole farm reduction in nutrient use / nutrient cap,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/ ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/ ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/ ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/ ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/ ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/ ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT** ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT** ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT** ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT* ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/ ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/ ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/ ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/ ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/ ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-181,Conversion to a more extensive system including reversion from high risk forage to grass and whole crop and reduced inputs,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,grn/* ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-185,Install / maintain water drainage and storage equipment structures,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/L* ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L* ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-191,Use more efficient spray irrigation equipment,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,grn/* ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-198,Cooperate with water companies on supply solutions e.g. a certain volume of water from a water company reservoir or water transfer / trading,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,grn/* ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-201,Use water reuse systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/T** ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LT* ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT* ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/LT* ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/LT* ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/TD* ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/LT* ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-202,Use controlled drainage systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,grn/T* ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-205,Produce a water supply resilience plan,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/*** ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT** ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT** ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/T* ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/T* ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-207,Carry out detailed farm / field-scale pest and disease mapping and utilise this to minimise PPP application,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211,"Create / maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECPW-211C ECPW-211EM ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/ ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/*** ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/ ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/ ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/ ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-247 ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-211C,"Create impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/*** ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/ ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/ ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/ ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-247 ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-211EM,"Maintain impermeable, bunded PPP filling / mixing / cleaning areas",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/*** ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/** ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T* ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T* ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/T* ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-247 ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/ ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/M ECPW-247 ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-213,Reduce routes of entry to water from pesticide use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/*** ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/ ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/ ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/ ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/L** ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-216,Follow the 'Sheep dip: groundwater protection code' on,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/** ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,grn/** ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/** ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,grn/** ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,red/* ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/** ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-247 ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-217,"Restrict preventative use of agrichemicals (including vet meds, e.g. prophylactics)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-219,Ensure stores are resilient to a changing climate (e.g. not at risk of flooding or impacted by extreme temperature),Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/T* ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/L* ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LT* ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,amb/T*** ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/T* ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T* ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-220,Use willow spiling,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/LTD** ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/LTD** ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-227,Avoid slurry injection where there is a high risk of leaching or losses to groundwater (e.g. cracked soils),Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-229,Adopt batch storage of slurry / manures,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,amb/TD* ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/LTD** ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/LTD** ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/TL* ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/TL** ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/TL** ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/T* ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-247 ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-231,Apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/*** ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/L* ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/T*** ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/T*** ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-232,Avoid growing crops with high risk of nutrient losses (e.g. field vegetables) in fields with high risk of soil erosion or close to sensitive sites,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/ ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/ ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/ ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/T* ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T* ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/T* ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/T* ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/T* ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/T* ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-235,"Calculate whole farm nutrient balance for phosphorus and nitrogen, taking account of nutrient inputs from feed, fertiliser and manures and outputs in crop, and livestock products",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L** ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/T* ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T* ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/T* ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/T* ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/R ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/R ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/R ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/R ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-236,"Test fertilisers (inorganic and organic) as well as composts, soil improvers and anaerobic digestate for potential contaminants (heavy metals)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T** ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECPW-237Cx ECPW-237Cy ECPW-237EMx ECPW-237EMy ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/X ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-237,"Create / enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees and wildflower / legume rich swards",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/*** ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L* ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/*** ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECPW-022C ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-022C ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/M ECPW-022C ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/M ECPW-022C ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/M ECPW-022C ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECPW-022C ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECPW-022C ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-022C ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-022C ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/M ECPW-022C ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/M ECPW-022C ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/M ECPW-022C ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/M ECPW-022C ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/M ECPW-022C ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/M ECPW-022C ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/M ECPW-022C ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/M ECPW-022C ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD*** ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD*** ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/LT** ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-237Cx,Create wildflower / legume rich swards,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/L* ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/LT** ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/LT** ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/** ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/** ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/DT* ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/DT* ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L** ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/B ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/B ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/B ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/B ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/B ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/B ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/B ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/B ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/B ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/B ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/B ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/B ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/B ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/B ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/B ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/B ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/B ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD*** ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD*** ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/LT** ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-237Cy,"Create in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/ ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/*** ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/*** ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECPW-022EM ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-022EM ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/M ECPW-022EM ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/M ECPW-022EM ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/M ECPW-022EM ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECPW-022EM ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECPW-022EM ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-022EM ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-022EM ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/M ECPW-022EM ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/M ECPW-022EM ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/M ECPW-022EM ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/M ECPW-022EM ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/M ECPW-022EM ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/M ECPW-022EM ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/M ECPW-022EM ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/M ECPW-022EM ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/L*** ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/L*** ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/* ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/LT** ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-237EMx,Enhance / manage wildflower / legume rich swards,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/LT** ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/LT** ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L* ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/* ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/B ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/B ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/B ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/B ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/B ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/B ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/B ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/B ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/B ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/B ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/B ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/B ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/B ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/B ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/B ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/B ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/B ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/L*** ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/L*** ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-237EMy,"Enhance / manage in-field vegetation including grass, scrub, trees","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/LTD* ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LTD* ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-238,Cultivate and drill across the slope (where appropriate),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/LT* ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L* ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-239,Cultivate to create rough soil surface on bare land / stubble fields uncropped over winter,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/*** ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,amb/TD* ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/LTD* ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/LTD* ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/TL*** ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/TL*** ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/L* ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/TL** ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-247 ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-240,Use cultural approaches to pest control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/*** ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L** ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L** ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-247 ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-241,Destroy cover crop using roller instead of spraying,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L** ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L** ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L** ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ETPW-092 ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/* ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-242,Use direct drilling into crop stubble or cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,red/** ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,red/** ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,red/* ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ETPW-092 ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/T* ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-243,Drill double headlands in arable crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/*** ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/LTD** ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/LTD** ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,red/* ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/* ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,red/* ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,red/* ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-244,Incinerate poultry litter,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/** ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/** ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,red/* ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/** ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/** ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L* ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-245,Graze and cut grass later when fibre content higher (to slow digestion in ruminants),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/T* ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/** ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/L* ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,grn/*** ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T** ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-246,Improve watercourse crossings to reduce sedimentation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/** ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L** ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT* ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L** ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/LT* ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L** ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L* ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/L* ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-247,Use precision systems such as spot spraying and weed wiping when applying a pesticide,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-191 ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-191 ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LD* ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,red/** ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-248,Irrigate crops to improve yield and nutrient uptake (minimise soil damage from irrigation equipment),"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/** ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/** ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/** ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M EHAZ-028 ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/L* ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/** ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/* ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-249,Reduce grazing and stocking rates when soils are wet to avoid soil compaction,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/T* ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ETPW-212 ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/M ETPW-212 ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ETPW-212 ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ETPW-212 ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-212 ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ETPW-212 ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ETPW-212 ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-212 ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ETPW-212 ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ETPW-212 ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ETPW-212 ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ETPW-212 ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/T* ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-251,Monitor and record natural predator levels,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,grn/*** ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-252,Set and implement water consumption targets,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/ ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/ ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/ ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-247 ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-254,Apply IPM principles to veterinary medicine use,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M EHAZ-031 ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-255,Reduce weight of field machinery,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/** ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/** ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-247 ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-257,Relocate sheep veterinary treatment areas and pens to appropriate locations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-258,Remediate soil contamination (in appropriate circumstances),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/ ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/ ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/ ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-247 ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-259,Install roofing over sprayer wash-down and loading areas,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/ ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/ ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/ ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-247 ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-260,Use sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/R ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/R ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/R ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/R ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-261,"Test each field, or zone, for soil contaminants that have not been tested for 5 years or more",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/ ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/ ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/ ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-247 ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-262,Store sprayer under cover,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/*** ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-002 ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/* ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/* ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-264,Leave unharvested cereal headlands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L** ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L** ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/B ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/B ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/LT* ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-265,Use crops / varieties with differing root structures to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/*** ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-268,Use low drift nozzles at every opportunity where pest / weed / disease control efficacy will not be negatively impacted,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/*** ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/DTL** ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/DTL** ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-247 ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-269,Use bio pesticides or biological control in place of chemical pesticides,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/L** ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L** ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/L* ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/L* ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/T* ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-270,"Use cultivations / shaping of beds in potatoes and vegetable crops to direct water into beds and reduce run off e.g. angled tynes, Creyke roller","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-270 ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-270 ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/L* ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/L* ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-271,Use tied ridges (dammer dykes) in row crops,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/** ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/LTD** ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/LTD** ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/LTD** ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LTD* ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LTD* ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LTD* ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LTD* ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LTD* ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,amb/** ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/** ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-272,Convert field horticulture to greenhouse or aqua / aero / hydroponics horticulture,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Horticulture ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT** ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT* ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/LT* ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT* ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-273,Establish the resistance status of pests on farm,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECPW-235 ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECPW-235 ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-235 ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-235 ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECPW-235 ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-235 ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-235 ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECPW-235 ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECPW-235 ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECPW-235 ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECPW-235 ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/** ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/** ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-274,Compare nutrient use efficiency and nutrient balances with other similar farms and take action to improve it.,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT* ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/L* ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-276,Use biostimulants from recommended list to reduce the need for articifial N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L** ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-277,"Reduce and reuse plastics in agriculture, forestry and horticulture",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LD** ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L** ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L** ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LD* ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L** ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-002 ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/* ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/** ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LT* ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT* ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-279,Use of cover crops as an alternative to plastic mulch - Soil-enriching cover crops may be grown over the winter in the same beds where a food crop is to be planted the following spring and used in place as mulch,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/L* ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L* ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L* ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECPW-281 ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/ ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/L* ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECPW-281 ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECPW-281 ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-281 ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-281 ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-280,"Use alternatives to fossil-based plastic mulches, such as green mulches or other biodegradable materials. Straw, shredded wood and other natural products can also be used as mulch",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECPW-280 ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/M ECPW-280 ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECPW-280 ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-280 ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-280 ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECPW-280 ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-280 ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-280 ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECPW-280 ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECPW-280 ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECPW-280 ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECPW-280 ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LD* ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L** ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-281,"Use of biodegradable silage, crop cover mulches and planting trays to meet recognised compostable standard EN17033",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-282,"Replace 'hoop-houses' and quasi-temporary structures with robust greenhouses, e.g. glass or durable plastic made from recycled content",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-287,Reducing need for plastic irrigation by improved infiltration,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L** ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-288,Clean plastic sheets to reduce contamination in order to facilitate recycling,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L** ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-289,"Implement measures to stop visible plastics from entering manures and slurry storage e.g. baler string, ear tags, plastic enrichment toys and silage wrap",Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECCA-007C ECCA-007EM ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-291,"Create, enhance or manage riparian habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/** ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/LT** ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/LT** ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/LT** ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/T* ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/* ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,red/* ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/* ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/DT* ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/** ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/T** ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/T* ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/T** ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/T** ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,amb/LT* ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/T** ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/T** ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/LT** ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD*** ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD*** ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-291C,Create riparian habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/** ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/M ECPW-291C ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/M ECPW-291C ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/M ECPW-291C ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/T* ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/* ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/** ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECPW-291C ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/ ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/T** ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/T** ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,amb/LT* ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/T** ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/T** ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/LT** ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-291EM,Enhance or manage riparian habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L** ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-292,Supplement to shift from solid to liquid fertiliser application equipment,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L** ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-293,Reduce and reuse plastics,Litter and plastic waste,Litter and plastic waste / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294,Create / maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ECPW-294C ECPW-294EM ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-003 ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LTD* ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LTD* ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-294C,Create machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-003 ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LTD* ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LTD* ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-294EM,Maintain machinery tracks,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/D* ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-002 ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-279 ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-279 ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LT* ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT* ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/* ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/* ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-295,"Maintain soil cover (e.g. grass, crop or geotextile), to reduce soil erosion and loss around livestock shelters / feeders / troughs; e.g. for outdoor pigs.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-003 ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-296,"Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as poly-tunnels, plastic sheeting / cloches or irrigation equipment used for horticultural crops.",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M EHAZ-028 ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-297,Minimise trafficking and manage land to reduce soil erosion and loss around field structures such as livestock shelters / feeders / troughs: e.g. for outdoor pigs.,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-096 ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT* ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,grn/* ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-298,Relocate gateways,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/TL** ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/TL** ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/T* ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/** ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/T* ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/T* ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/T* ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ECPW-299,"Spatially test soils within field for any or all of the following: N, P, K, Mg, pH, micronutrients, potentially toxic elements and organic matter.",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/TL* EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/TL** EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/TL** EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/TDL* EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/TL* EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/TL* EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-002 EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,amb/T* EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/** EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-004,Use under and over sowing,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LTD* EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LTD* EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LTD* EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LTD* EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L** EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-002 EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/* EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECPW-279 EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-279 EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-279 EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LT* EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT* EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-007,Use cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S EHAZ-010C EHAZ-010EM EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/L*** EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/L*** EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/*** EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT** EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-010,"Create, enhance or manage permanent grasslands",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/T* EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/T* EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,amb/TD* EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/T** EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/T** EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/T** EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/LT** EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/T** EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECPW-022C EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-022C EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/*** EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/** EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/L* EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/ EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/L*** EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/L*** EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/*** EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT** EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-010C,Create permanent grasslands,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/** EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/** EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/LT** EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/** EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,grn/** EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/** EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/** EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/* EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/* EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/D* EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-010EM,Enhance or manage permanent grasslands,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECPW-255 EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-255 EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-255 EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECPW-255 EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-255 EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-255 EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECPW-255 EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECPW-255 EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECPW-255 EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECPW-255 EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-003 EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/** EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-017,Use low ground pressure tyres,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L** EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L** EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ETPW-092 EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/LT* EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L* EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-018,Leave autumn seedbeds rough (instead of finely tilled seedbeds),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT* EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/TDL** EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/TDL** EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/TDL** EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/LT* EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L* EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECPW-032 EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/ EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/** EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-024,Use grass or encourage natural regeneration where this can be efficiently incorporated into the rotation,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/** EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/T* EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T* EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/* EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-249 EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-249 EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-028,"Restrict the grazing season where there is a risk of causing soil compaction, run-off and erosion",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECPW-255 EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-255 EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-255 EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECPW-255 EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-255 EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-255 EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECPW-255 EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECPW-255 EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECPW-255 EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECPW-255 EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-003 EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-031,Use controlled traffic farming (CTF),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/L* EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-249 EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-249 EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T** EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-033,Feed and water livestock in an appropriate location (move to avoid poaching or feed on hard bases),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-036,Create / enhance / maintain rain gardens,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/ EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/ EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/ EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD*** EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD*** EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/* EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/* EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-045,Add deflectors to channels,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049,Create / enhance / manage freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-049C EHAZ-049EM EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT** EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT** EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCA-009C EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCA-009C EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-009C EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-009C EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCA-009C EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-009C EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-009C EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCA-009C EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCA-009C EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCA-009C EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCA-009C EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/B EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/B EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,grn/* EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,amb/T** EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/*** EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/*** EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/L** EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/T* EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/T** EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD** EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD** EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-049C,Create freshwater habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT** EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT** EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCA-009EM EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCA-009EM EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-009EM EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-009EM EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCA-009EM EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-009EM EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-009EM EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCA-009EM EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCA-009EM EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCA-009EM EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCA-009EM EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/B EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/B EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,grn/* EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,amb/T** EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/*** EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/*** EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/L** EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/T* EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/T** EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-049EM,Enhance / manage freshwater habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECPW-059 EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECPW-059 EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-059 EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-059 EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECPW-059 EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-059 EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-059 EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECPW-059 EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECPW-059 EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECPW-059 EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECPW-059 EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECPW-059 EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECPW-059 EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-059 EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-059 EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,grn/** EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,red/** EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/** EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/* EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,grn/LT** EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/ EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD*** EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/TD** EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-051,Remove constraints to river movement (e.g. remove bank protection and embankments to enable channel migration within the floodplain),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/** EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/TD* EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/TD* EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/** EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/* EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/LT** EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/D*** EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/T* EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-052,Use land for temporary flood storage,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054,Create / enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-054C EHAZ-054EM EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT** EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT** EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/L* EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/L* EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/L* EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/T* EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-054C,Create scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT** EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT** EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/L* EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/L* EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/L* EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,amb/T* EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-054EM,Enhance / manage scrapes,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,red/* EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,red/* EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,red/* EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/ EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/ EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T** EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-056,Modify or remove in-channel structures (eg weirs and sluices),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061,Create / enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-061C EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L* EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/L** EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/ EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/ EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT** EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-061C,Create earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L* EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/L** EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/ EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/ EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT** EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-061EM,Enhance / maintain earth bunds to intercept surface flow,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCA-007EM EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCA-007EM EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCA-007EM EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCA-007EM EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-030 EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-030 EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,grn/** EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/ EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/ EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD** EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/LTD** EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD** EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-063,"Block drains, ditches and grips",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,red/* EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/TD* EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/TD* EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECPW-083 EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECPW-083 EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-083 EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-083 EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-083 EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-083 EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECPW-083 EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECPW-083 EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECPW-083 EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECPW-083 EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ETPW-091 EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/ EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/* EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/* EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LD* EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/* EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T* EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-067,Control grazing on permanent coastal grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-070C EHAZ-070EM EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-070C EHAZ-070EM EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-070C EHAZ-070EM EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S EHAZ-070C EHAZ-070EM EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-070C EHAZ-070EM EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S EHAZ-070C EHAZ-070EM EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S EHAZ-070C EHAZ-070EM EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S EHAZ-070C EHAZ-070EM EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S EHAZ-070C EHAZ-070EM EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S EHAZ-070C EHAZ-070EM EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S EHAZ-070C EHAZ-070EM EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S EHAZ-070C EHAZ-070EM EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S EHAZ-070C EHAZ-070EM EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S EHAZ-070C EHAZ-070EM EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S EHAZ-070C EHAZ-070EM EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S EHAZ-070C EHAZ-070EM EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S EHAZ-070C EHAZ-070EM EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S EHAZ-070C EHAZ-070EM EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S EHAZ-070C EHAZ-070EM EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S EHAZ-070C EHAZ-070EM EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S EHAZ-070C EHAZ-070EM EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S EHAZ-070C EHAZ-070EM EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S EHAZ-070C EHAZ-070EM EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/* EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-070,"Create, enhance / maintain sand dunes (physical manipulation)",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/*** EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT*** EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT*** EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT*** EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT*** EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/TD** EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/*** EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LTD* EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD* EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/M ECCA-033C EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD*** EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD*** EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/LT** EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/TD* EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/*** EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-070C,Create sand dunes,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/** EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT** EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT** EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/LT** EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/** EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LD* EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LD* EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/M ECCA-033C EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/* EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-070EM,Enhance / maintain sand dunes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECPW-083 EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECPW-083 EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-083 EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-083 EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECPW-083 EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-083 EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-083 EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECPW-083 EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECPW-083 EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECPW-083 EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECPW-083 EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LT* EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LT** EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/M ECCA-033C EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/** EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/** EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/** EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/** EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-074,Active management coastal realignment,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075,"Create / manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-075C EHAZ-075EM EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCA-016C EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCA-016C EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-016C EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-016C EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCA-016C EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-016C EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-016C EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCA-016C EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCA-016C EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCA-016C EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCA-016C EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/D* EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/ EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/ EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT** EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-075C,"Create artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCA-016EM EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCA-016EM EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-016EM EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-016EM EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCA-016EM EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-016EM EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-016EM EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCA-016EM EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCA-016EM EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCA-016EM EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCA-016EM EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/D* EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/ EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/ EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT** EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-075EM,"Manage artificial water diversion (ditches, channels, pipes and earth banks)","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/ EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/ EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/ EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LT* EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,amb/T** EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT* EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/LT* EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT** EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T** EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-079,Use sediment fencing / socks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082,Create / enhance / manage dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-082C EHAZ-082EM EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCA-009C EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCA-009C EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-009C EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-009C EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCA-009C EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-009C EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-009C EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCA-009C EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCA-009C EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCA-009C EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCA-009C EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/ EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/ EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/ EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-082C,Create dry ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCA-009EM EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCA-009EM EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-009EM EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-009EM EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCA-009EM EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-009EM EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-009EM EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCA-009EM EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCA-009EM EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCA-009EM EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCA-009EM EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/ EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/ EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/ EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-082EM,Enhance / manage dry ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086,Create / enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-086C EHAZ-086EM EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-086C,Create green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-086EM,Enhance / maintain green roofs and walls,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/T** EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T*** EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/T** EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T*** EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/T** EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/T** EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/M ECCA-033C EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-089,Restore / manage natural water flow in coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100,Create / maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-100C EHAZ-100EM EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/M ECCM-042C EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-100C,Create sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/M ECCM-042EM EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-100EM,Maintain sluices and channels to manage water flow to coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/* EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/LTD** EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/LTD** EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCM-046 EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCM-046 EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCM-046 EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCM-046 EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCM-046 EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCM-046 EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCM-046 EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCM-046 EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCM-046 EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCM-046 EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCM-046 EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ETPW-081EM EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ETPW-081EM EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-101,Control grazing on inter-tidal and saline habitats (below Mean High Water Spings to the sea),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,grn/* EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-102,Harvest and store rain water to reduce reliance on abstraction.,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,red/* EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,red/* EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/*** EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT** EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT** EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/T* EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,grn/*** EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,amb/T** EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/*** EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/*** EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/L** EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/ EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/* EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T** EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-103,"Reinstate more natural river function and form, including flow, depth and substrate form and processes.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106,Create / manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-106C EHAZ-106EM EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LT** EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,grn/** EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LTD* EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/LT** EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-106C,Create features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LT** EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,grn/** EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LTD* EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/LT** EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-106EM,Manage features for managed aquifer recharge,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107,Create / enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-107C EHAZ-107EM EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LT** EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT** EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/LT* EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/LT* EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LTD* EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/LT* EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-107C,Create bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LT** EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT** EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/LT* EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/LT* EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LTD* EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/LT* EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-107EM,Enhance / maintain bunds to focus flows from secure surface water collection zones into storage / aquifer recharge trenches or lakes (but not boreholes),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M EHAZ-061EM EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,grn/* EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LTD* EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,grn/** EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LTD* EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/LT* EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-108,Store surface water over permeable ground (for aquifer recharge),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-191 EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-191 EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LD* EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,red/* EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-110,Use trickle or drip irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LD* EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LD* EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LD* EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-023 EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,red/* EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/* EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/** EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/L* EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/L* EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/TD* EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-113,Use mulches and organic matter to increase the water retention capacity of soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/LD* EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCM-071 EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECCM-071 EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,red/* EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-115,Use intercropping systems with alternate irrigation,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Irrigation ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129,"Create, enhance or manage fen",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-129C EHAZ-129EM EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/TD* EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT** EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M EBHE-164C EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M EBHE-164C EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EBHE-164C EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EBHE-164C EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M EBHE-164C EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EBHE-164C EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EBHE-164C EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M EBHE-164C EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M EBHE-164C EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M EBHE-164C EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M EBHE-164C EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M EBHE-164C EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M EBHE-164C EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/T*** EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/T*** EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/ EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/ EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/ EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD** EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/LTD** EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD** EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-129C,Create fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCA-007EM EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCA-007EM EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCA-007EM EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCA-007EM EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-030 EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-030 EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/ EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/ EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/ EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD** EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/LTD** EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD** EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-129EM,Enhance or manage fen,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T** EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/TL* EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/TL* EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/TL* EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/L* EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-134,Restrict deep ploughing on agricultural lowland peatland,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T*** EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LD** EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/** EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LD** EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LD** EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LD** EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LD** EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LD** EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LD** EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L* EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/L*** EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-137,Use paludiculture,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,amb/TD* EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/L** EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT** EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT** EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/TD*** EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/TD*** EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/TD*** EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/TD*** EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/TD** EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD* EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECAR-042EM EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECAR-042EM EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT* EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/LT* EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,red/* EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/* EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-138,Manage vegetation to reduce the risk of wildfires,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,grn/** EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/** EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/L* EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,grn/* EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X EHAZ-139,Retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems,"Drainage, irrigation and wastewater","Drainage, irrigation and wastewater / Drainage",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/T* ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T** ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/T* ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,grn/T* ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T** ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/T* ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/T* ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,grn/T* ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/T* ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,grn/T* ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/T* ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/T* ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-001,Use a biosecurity plan,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/D** ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,grn/*** ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/*** ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,grn/*** ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECPW-067 ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-067 ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LD* ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-004,Monitor and control damaging riparian plant species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L*** ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/L*** ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/L*** ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/L*** ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LD* ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-006,Monitor and control damaging aquatic animal species,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/* ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,amb/TD* ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT** ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT** ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT** ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT** ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT** ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/T*** ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/T*** ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT** ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/L* ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/L* ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-008,"Monitor and control damaging terrestrial animal species (e.g. deer, grey squirrel)",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M EHAZ-061EM ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M EHAZ-061EM ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EHAZ-061EM ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EHAZ-061EM ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M EHAZ-061EM ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M EHAZ-061EM ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EHAZ-061EM ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M EHAZ-061EM ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M EHAZ-061EM ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M EHAZ-061EM ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M EHAZ-061EM ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/** ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/TD* ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/TD* ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/** ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/* ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/LT** ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/DT** ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/T* ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/TD** ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-013,Remove levees and flood banks,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ECCA-013C ECCA-013EM ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-016,"Create, enhance, manage water meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT** ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/T** ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/*** ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LT* ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LT** ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/*** ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/*** ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/TD* ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/TD* ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD** ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/LTD** ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD** ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-016C,Create water meadows,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,grn/* ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/* ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/* ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/D* ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT* ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/D* ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/D* ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/* ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,grn/** ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD** ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/T** ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-019,Use coppice for bank reinforcement,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCA-007EM ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCA-007EM ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCA-007EM ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-030 ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-030 ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/** ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/** ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/TD* ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/TD** ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/T* ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD** ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/LTD** ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD** ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-036EM,"Enhance, manage floodplain meadows",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Floodplains ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038,Create / enhance / manage /buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ETPW-038C ETPW-038EM ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/** ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/M ECPW-291C ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/M ECPW-291C ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/M ECPW-291C ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ETPW-271C ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ETPW-271C ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ETPW-271C ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-271C ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ETPW-271C ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ETPW-271C ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-271C ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ETPW-271C ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ETPW-271C ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ETPW-271C ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ETPW-271C ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,grn/** ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/** ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/T** ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LTD* ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,grn/** ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/LTD** ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD** ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD** ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-038C,Create buffer strips,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/** ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/M ECPW-291EM ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/M ECPW-291EM ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/M ECPW-291EM ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECPW-291EM ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECPW-291EM ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-291EM ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-291EM ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECPW-291EM ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECPW-291EM ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECPW-291EM ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECPW-291EM ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECPW-291EM ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECPW-291EM ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECPW-291EM ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,grn/** ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/** ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/T** ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LTD* ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,grn/** ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/LTD** ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-038EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Riparian areas ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,red/* ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-043,Restrict beach cleaning to hand removal of inorganic waste,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/* ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/LT* ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/LT* ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ETPW-179EM ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ETPW-179EM ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ETPW-179EM ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-179EM ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ETPW-179EM ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ETPW-179EM ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-179EM ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ETPW-179EM ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ETPW-179EM ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ETPW-179EM ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ETPW-179EM ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ETPW-179EM ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ETPW-179EM ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/M ECCA-033C ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,grn/* ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-049,Control grazing on shingle,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062,Create / enhance / manage open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ETPW-062C ETPW-062EM ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT** ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT** ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/ ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/ ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/ ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCA-009C ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCA-009C ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-009C ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-009C ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCA-009C ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-009C ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-009C ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCA-009C ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCA-009C ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCA-009C ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCA-009C ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/ ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/ ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/ ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/T* ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/T** ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD** ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD** ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-062C,Create open water habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Water bodies and buffer zones,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT** ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT** ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/ ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/ ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/ ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCA-009EM ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCA-009EM ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-009EM ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-009EM ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCA-009EM ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-009EM ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-009EM ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCA-009EM ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCA-009EM ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCA-009EM ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCA-009EM ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/ ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/ ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/ ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/T* ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/T** ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-062EM,Enhance / manage open water habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-249 ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-249 ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,grn/*** ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/T*** ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/T*** ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/** ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/** ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/** ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/** ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/** ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-070,Install / maintain electric fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-249 ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-249 ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,grn/*** ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/T*** ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/T*** ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/** ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/** ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/** ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T** ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-071,Install / maintain permanent fencing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-072,Install / maintain animal handling facilities,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-249 ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-249 ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/T*** ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/** ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/** ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/** ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-078,Install / maintain gates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081,"Create, enhance / manage coastal habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ETPW-081C ETPW-081EM ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-070C ETPW-179C ETPW-180C ETPW-081Cx ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-070C ETPW-179C ETPW-180C ETPW-081Cx ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S EHAZ-070C ETPW-179C ETPW-180C ETPW-081Cx ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S EHAZ-070C ETPW-179C ETPW-180C ETPW-081Cx ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EHAZ-070C ETPW-179C ETPW-180C ETPW-081Cx ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-070C ETPW-179C ETPW-180C ETPW-081Cx ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S EHAZ-070C ETPW-179C ETPW-180C ETPW-081Cx ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S EHAZ-070C ETPW-179C ETPW-180C ETPW-081Cx ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S EHAZ-070C ETPW-179C ETPW-180C ETPW-081Cx ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S EHAZ-070C ETPW-179C ETPW-180C ETPW-081Cx ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S EHAZ-070C ETPW-179C ETPW-180C ETPW-081Cx ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S EHAZ-070C ETPW-179C ETPW-180C ETPW-081Cx ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S EHAZ-070C ETPW-179C ETPW-180C ETPW-081Cx ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S EHAZ-070C ETPW-179C ETPW-180C ETPW-081Cx ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S EHAZ-070C ETPW-179C ETPW-180C ETPW-081Cx ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/M ECCA-033C ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCA-033C ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCA-033C ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECCA-033C ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECCA-033C ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD*** ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD*** ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/LT** ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/*** ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-081C,Create coastal habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/** ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/** ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/T* ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/T* ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,grn/* ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/** ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/M ECCA-033C ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD*** ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD*** ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/LT** ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/*** ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-081Cx,Create salt marsh,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/T** ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/TD** ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/TD** ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/TD** ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/TD** ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/T** ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/L* ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/L* ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/M ECCA-033EM ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-081EM,Enhance / manage coastal habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ETPW-081EM ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-081EM ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ETPW-081EM ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-081EM ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ETPW-081EM ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ETPW-081EM ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/L* ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/L* ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/M ECCA-033EM ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/L* ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L* ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-081EMx,Enhance / manage salt marsh,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ETPW-081EM ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-081EM ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ETPW-081EM ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-081EM ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ETPW-081EM ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ETPW-081EM ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/L* ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/L* ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/M ECCA-033EM ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/L* ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L* ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-081EMy,Enhance / manage coastal scrub,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/** ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ETPW-081EM ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ETPW-081EM ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ETPW-081EM ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-081EM ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ETPW-081EM ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ETPW-081EM ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-081EM ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ETPW-081EM ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ETPW-081EM ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ETPW-081EM ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ETPW-081EM ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LT* ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LT* ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/D* ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/M ECCA-033C ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,grn/*** ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT** ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-091,Restore / enhance / manage permanent grassland in coastal areas,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/DTL* ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/DTL** ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/DTL** ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/DTL** ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LT* ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/** ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/LD* ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LD* ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-092,Use minimum-tillage or no-tillage cultivation,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Tillage ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L** ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L** ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/L* ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L* ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LT* ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LT* ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/M ECCA-033C ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/** ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-093,Enhance / manage coastal cliffs and slopes,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,red/* ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/** ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/L* ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L* ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-098,Maintain water supplies to support grazing (e.g. during management / restoration of heathland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/LD* ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/*** ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/*** ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,red/* ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/** ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/** ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L* ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-101,"On meadows, make field- dried hay and minimise haylage and silage","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/** ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/T** ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/T* ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/T** ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-103,"Leave uncut margins in meadows to provide refugia for invertebrates and birds, to be aftermath grazed or cut late",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/* ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/T** ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T** ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T** ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT* ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,grn/* ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/TD* ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-249 ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-249 ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/T* ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-104,"Reduce stocking rate (grazing) to restore structure and flowering, maintain ground cover, and reduce poaching","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/* ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/T** ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T** ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T** ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/L* ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L* ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/T* ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-105,Use low intensity mixed livestock grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/* ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/T** ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T** ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T** ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,grn/** ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT* ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/B ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/B ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-106,"Manage timing of grazing and select livestock type to allow flowering and seed return, and control competitive and invasive species.","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT* ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT** ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,grn/* ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,grn/* ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT* ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/T* ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/T* ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/** ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-108,Buffer priority habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/** ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/** ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/L* ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/L* ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,grn/* ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,grn/* ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L* ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-109,Reduce the hard boundaries between habitats and encourage ecotones,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,red/* ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/LTD** ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/LTD** ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/T* ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-110,"When fields are cut for hay or haylage, aftermath graze with cattle","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/T** ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/* ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L* ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-111,"Harvest seeds / take green hay to restore other grassland sites, following best practice","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M EBHE-203EM ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M EBHE-203EM ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EBHE-203EM ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M EBHE-203EM ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EBHE-203EM ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M EBHE-203EM ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M EBHE-203EM ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M EBHE-203EM ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M EBHE-203EM ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M EBHE-203EM ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-203EM ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-203EM ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-112,"Manage scrub to maintain, restore and enhance grassland condition and associated species populations, recognising its inherent value in providing shelter / structure / food and nesting resource","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Scrub ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/T** ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T** ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T** ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/T** ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-115,"Control cutting of grasslands to promote flowering and structure for target species, where appropriate","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,amb/TD* ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/LD* ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/*** ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/** ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/T*** ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/LT** ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-116,Provide a flower rich habitat for wild pollinators with a range of flowering times and flowering structures,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ETPW-109 ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ETPW-109 ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-109 ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ETPW-109 ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-109 ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ETPW-109 ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ETPW-109 ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ETPW-109 ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ETPW-109 ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-117,Manage mosaics and natural transitions to other habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/T* ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/T* ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T* ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/T* ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,grn/T* ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T* ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/T* ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/T* ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,grn/T* ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,grn/T* ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/T* ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,grn/T* ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/T* ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/T* ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/T* ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,grn/T* ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,grn/T* ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/T* ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/T* ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,grn/T* ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-120,"Create and use a contingency plan that integrates tree / plant pests and diseases with other threats (flooding, drought etc.)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-054 ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-054 ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/T*** ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-123,Restock trees for resilience,Climate measures,Climate measures / Climate change mitigation and adaptation ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124,"Create / enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ETPW-124C ETPW-124EM ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/** ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/TD*** ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/TD*** ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/TD*** ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/TD*** ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/LD* ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/TD*** ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/TD* ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/TD* ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-124C,"Create rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/** ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/TD*** ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/TD*** ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/TD*** ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/TD*** ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/LD* ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/TD*** ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/TD* ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/TD* ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-124EM,"Enhance / manage rides, edge habitats and open space (for biodiversity including for pollinators)","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,grn/T** ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,amb/TD* ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/T*** ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T*** ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/T*** ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T*** ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/T*** ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/T** ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LTD* ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,red/* ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-125,Coppice and thin trees,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/LTD* ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LTD* ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LTD* ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LTD* ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LTD* ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-130,"Install / maintain access tracks and other infrastructure e.g. gates, fencing, for woodland management","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/*** ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT*** ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,grn/*** ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/** ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/* ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M EBHE-216 ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/ ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-249 ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-249 ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LD* ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-142,Off-winter livestock or reduce winter grazing on upland and mountain heath,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/DT** ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/DT** ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/DT** ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/DT** ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/DT** ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LTD* ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M EBHE-216 ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/ ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/L* ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L* ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-143,"Where burning takes place, ensure small burns on a long rotation to create a varied age structure in dwarf shrub, including retaining mature and degenerate phases","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/DT** ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/DT** ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/DT** ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/DT** ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/DT** ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LTD* ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M EBHE-216 ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/ ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-144,Only burn in accordance with the heather and grass burning code.,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/ ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/ ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/ ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECPW-078 ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/ ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LD* ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T** ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-146,Control bracken and scrub by mechanical means,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/* ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/T** ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T** ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T** ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-150,Manage localised grazing pressure,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/* ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,red/* ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/LT* ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LT** ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N ETPW-151,Limit supplementary feeding to severe weather conditions,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,amb/TD* ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/ ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/ ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/ ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/ ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ETPW-008 ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ETPW-008 ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/L* ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-152,Manage damaging rabbit populations,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/** ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/** ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/** ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/** ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,grn/* ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/TD*** ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,grn/** ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-153,Stabilise eroding peat through targeted restoration work,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/*** ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCM-031 ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCM-031 ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCM-031 ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCM-031 ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCM-031 ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCM-031 ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCM-031 ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCM-031 ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCM-031 ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCM-031 ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCM-031 ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-030 ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-030 ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,amb/LT* ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,amb/LT** ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/N ETPW-155,"Remove grazing from recovering peatland, susceptible habitats and sensitive vegetation",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,red/* ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,grn/*** ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/*** ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/*** ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-156,"Replace grazing of sheep with cattle grazing, particularly on limestone habitats","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/T* ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,grn/T* ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/T* ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T* ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T* ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,grn/T* ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/T* ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/T* ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-157,Create and use a grazing plan including stocking rates; monitor and adjust in line with grass productivity (especially where there are multiple graziers),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,red/* ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/ ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/ ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/ ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-030 ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-030 ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/** ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-158,"Manage the dominance of graminoid or ericaceous species on bog by hydrological restoration, light summer grazing and cutting",Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/** ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/ ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/ ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/ ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/ ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-247 ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-161,Minimise the use of antihelminthics,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT* ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/L** ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/L* ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/L* ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/L* ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/L* ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-163,"Support farmers and land managers to undertake translocations where these have clear benefits for biodiversity, ecosystem services and landscape transformation, including appropriate land management, and facilitation of these according to agreed national",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/ ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/ ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/ ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-164,Protect new colonists of conservation value,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT** ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT** ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L* ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/*** ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-168,Collect and sow locally sourced grass and wildflower seed,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT* ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT* ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,amb/T* ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT*** ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT** ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT** ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT* ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT** ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT** ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LT* ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LT* ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/M ECCA-026 ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/T** ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/M ECCA-026 ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/M ECCA-026 ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/M ECCA-026 ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/M ECCA-026 ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,amb/* ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/** ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,grn/** ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,grn/** ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/** ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-171,"Allow natural regeneration and extension of existing habitat (e.g. hedgerows, scrub, rough grassland)",Natural regeneration,Natural regeneration / Scrub ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179,"Create, enhance / manage shingle features",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ETPW-179C ETPW-179EM ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/L* ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L* ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,red/T* ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LD* ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/M ECCA-033C ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD*** ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD*** ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/LT** ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/TD* ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/*** ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-179C,Create shingle features,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/L* ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L* ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,red/T* ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LD* ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/M ECCA-033C ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T* ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-179EM,Enhance / manage shingle features,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ETPW-180C ETPW-180EM ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-180,"Create, enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/** ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/** ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/T* ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/** ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/* ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,red/T* ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LT** ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/M ECCA-033C ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/LTD*** ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/LTD*** ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT*** ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/LT** ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/* ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/*** ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-180C,Create inter-tidal and saline habitats,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Coastal ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/T** ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/TD** ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/TD** ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/TD** ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/TD** ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/T** ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/L* ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/M ECCA-033C ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-180EM,Enhance / manage inter-tidal and saline habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Coastal ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189,Plant / manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ETPW-189C ETPW-189EM ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L* ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/*** ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ETPW-260 ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ETPW-260 ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ETPW-260 ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T* ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/T* ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T* ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/** ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-189C,Plant wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L* ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/*** ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ETPW-260 ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ETPW-260 ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ETPW-260 ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/** ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-189EM,Manage wildflowers,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/*** ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/* ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/* ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,grn/* ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/* ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/* ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/*** ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/* ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/** ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-198,Use targeted habitat management for species with highly specialised requirements,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes, fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ETPW-200x ETPW-200y ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/T** ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/TL* ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L** ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M EBHE-224 ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-224 ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T* ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/T* ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T* ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/** ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-200x,Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. fallow plots / areas for ground nesting birds and invertebrates),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M EBHE-302 ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EBHE-302 ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M EBHE-302 ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M EBHE-302 ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M EBHE-302 ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T* ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/T* ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T* ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/** ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-200y,"Provide nesting and roosting sites (e.g. nesting boxes, bat boxes)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/TDL* ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L* ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/** ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/ ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/ ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-202,Plant / maintain mass flowering crops e.g. legume leys,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205,"Create, enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ETPW-205C ETPW-205EM ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/ ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/ ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/ ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,amb/TD* ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/*** ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECPW-022C ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-022C ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/** ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/T*** ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/LT** ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/LT** ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-205C,"Create flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots",Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Cropland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,amb/TD* ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/*** ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/* ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/* ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-205EM,"Enhance / manage flower-rich and species rich grass margins, field corners, and plots","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207,Create / enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ETPW-207C ETPW-207EM ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/L** ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L* ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L* ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-207C,Create beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/L** ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L* ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L* ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/** ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-207EM,Enhance / manage beetle banks,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/* ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/DTL* ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L** ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,red/* ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,red/* ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M EBHE-224 ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-224 ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-208,Create areas of bare ground for invertebrates and pollinating insects,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ETPW-198 ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ETPW-198 ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ETPW-198 ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-198 ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ETPW-198 ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ETPW-198 ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-198 ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ETPW-198 ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ETPW-198 ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ETPW-198 ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ETPW-198 ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T* ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,amb/T* ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T* ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-211,"Undertake targeted measures to recover populations of rare, threatened or otherwise vulnerable species (e.g. a package of targeted measures that meet the year round life cycle requirements of a species)",Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT** ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT** ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/TD** ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/TD* ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/TD* ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-212,Manage predation sustainably,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/M ETPW-109 ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ETPW-109 ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ETPW-109 ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ETPW-109 ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-109 ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ETPW-109 ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ETPW-109 ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-109 ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ETPW-109 ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ETPW-109 ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ETPW-109 ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ETPW-109 ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/B ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/B ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/L* ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/L* ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/L* ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/L* ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-213,"Create, enhance or manage habitat in new strategic areas to enhance ecological connectivity between existing habitat patches",Systems action,Systems action / Mixed systems and cross-habitat action,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/** ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/T** ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/T* ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/* ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,grn/* ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD* ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-216,Leave areas of grassland uncut,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/** ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L*** ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L*** ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L*** ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/LT* ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L*** ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECPW-022EM ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-022EM ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-217,Create areas of scrubby flower-rich grassland,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/** ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-109 ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/D* ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-220,"Apply lime only on neutral grasslands (lowland and upland hay meadows), with a soil test to maintain a pH of 6.0",Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/LTD** ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/LTD** ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-023 ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,red/* ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/* ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/** ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/D* ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-221,Add organic matter (e.g. paper pulp or sawdust waste) to soil,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/T* ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/T* ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/T* ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,grn/T* ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/T* ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-223,Assess soil structure and plan how to avoid and alleviate soil damage and compaction (soil management plan),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,amb/T* ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/ ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/ ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/ ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT** ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-224,Relocate livestock housing away from sensitive receptor sites,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226,Create / use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ETPW-226C ETPW-226EM ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/*** ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-247 ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-226C,Create lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/*** ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-247 ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-226EM,Use lined biobeds and biofilters for the treatment of dilute PPP from pesticide handling facilities and sprayers,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/T* ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/T* ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/T* ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/T* ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/T* ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/T* ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,grn/** ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/** ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,grn/** ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-228,"Create a soil management plan to improve soil structure, soil biology and soil chemistry","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L** ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L** ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/** ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-002 ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/* ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-229,Enhanced overwinter stubble,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/DL** ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/DL** ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/DL** ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L* ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-230,Leave harvest stubble tall to encourage natural predators especially spiders,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L** ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L** ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L* ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L** ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-231,Establish a spatial spread of crops by not block cropping,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,red/** ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/TD* ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/DL* ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,amb/DL* ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/DL** ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/DL** ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,red/* ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT* ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/ ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/ ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/** ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/D* ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-232,Use grassland (grazed or ungrazed) in arable rotation as a break crop,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ETPW-205C ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ETPW-205C ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-233,Establish trap crops to reduce pest prevalence (edge of field),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/T* ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,amb/TD* ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-247 ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/L* ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-236,"Develop, use and review an IPM Plan. To include a farm pest anti-resistance strategy",Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT* ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,amb/TD* ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/*** ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-238,Create suitable habitats for beneficial insects to live near cropped land,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/LTD** ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/LTD** ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LD* ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LD* ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LD* ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/** ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/T* ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-239,Increase production from grass grazing and forage and reduce compound feed to reduce nutrient inputs,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L** ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L** ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/** ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L* ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD* ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,amb/L* ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,amb/L* ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-240,Use low input cropped margins,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT** ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,amb/L* ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/D** ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/D** ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/D** ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/D** ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/D*** ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ETPW-242 ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/* ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-241,Manage a decline in soil nutrient levels for habitats / species that need low fertility,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/** ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/TL* ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD* ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/** ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/LTD* ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-242,Reduce fertiliser (organic and inorganic) application to below conventional levels,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/** ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T** ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/L* ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L* ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-243,Reduce field stocking rates,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/** ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T** ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ETPW-104 ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/L* ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L* ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/*** ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-244,Reduce livestock numbers,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/T* ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/** ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/** ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-245,Set ryegrass seed as winter food for birds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/** ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/** ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-246,Switch to liquid application of fertiliser,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/*** ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LTD* ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LTD* ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LTD* ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LTD* ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LTD* ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LTD* ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LTD* ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,grn/* ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,grn/*** ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LTD* ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-247,Take weed / pest / disease infested areas out of cropping and convert to a suitable alternative,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,grn/* ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/* ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/** ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/D* ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-248,Test soil regularly for pH and adjust management practices accordingly,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/T* ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T* ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/T* ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-249,Test soils regularly for heavy metals or potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and avoid over-application of inputs with high levels of heavy metals e.g. sewage sludge and certain waste products,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Contaminants,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/ ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/ ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/ ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/ ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/TD* ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/ ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/ ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LD* ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-250,Use cultivation techniques to reduce pests / disease / weeds,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/LT* ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-251,Use grass waterways in crops with high risk of soil erosion and run off (eg field vegetables),Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/TD* ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT** ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-252,Change to lower-input crop type or variety near sensitive habitats,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Cropland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-247 ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/L* ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-254,Use pest resistant / tolerant crop varieties to reduce the need for pesticides which have multiple pest resistence properties and have a high resistence rating,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L** ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/TL* ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/LT* ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,amb/T* ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/LTD* ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-255,Use remote sensing techniques to monitor crop requirement and vary application of N,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/T* ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/T* ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-256,Use trapping and / or monitoring to record pest / disease levels,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/** ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/** ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L** ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L** ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/DL* ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT** ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-002 ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M Arable01 ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M Arable01 ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M Arable01 ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-257,Use vegetated fallow in arable rotations,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/** ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L** ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L** ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-247 ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/L* ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-258,For pests with established thresholds: Only apply a pesticide if pest economic and / or envrionmental thresholds are exceeded,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/TL* ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/TL** ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/TL** ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/L* ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-259,Use whole crop cereals,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ETPW-260x ETPW-260y ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ETPW-260x ETPW-260y ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ETPW-260x ETPW-260y ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ETPW-260x ETPW-260y ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ETPW-260x ETPW-260y ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ETPW-260x ETPW-260y ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ETPW-260x ETPW-260y ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ETPW-260x ETPW-260y ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ETPW-260x ETPW-260y ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ETPW-260x ETPW-260y ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ETPW-260x ETPW-260y ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/T*** ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-260,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild bird and pollinators (eg wild bird and pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT** ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/L* ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/L** ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,red/D* ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/T** ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/T*** ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-260x,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of wild birds (eg wild bird seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/TD** ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/TD** ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/L* ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/TD** ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/L** ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/TD** ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/T*** ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/*** ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-260y,Provide feeding areas to support the lifecycles of pollinators (eg pollinator seed mix),Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,red/*** ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/ ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/ ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/ ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECPW-078 ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/ ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LD* ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T** ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-262,Control invasive plant species by chemical means to help manage and restore habitats,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/** ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/ ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/ ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/ ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECPW-078 ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-078 ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LD* ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T** ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-263,"Weed wiping, precision or spot spraying to control injurious weeds and invasive plants to help manage habitats",Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/ ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/ ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/ ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/ ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LTD** ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD* ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-265,Fell diseased trees where the action is uneconomic,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-054 ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-054 ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-266,Use woodland management (UKFS) for target priority woodland species,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,red/* ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/X ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/X ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/X ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/X ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/X ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/X ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/X ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/X ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/X ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECPW-078 ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-078 ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,amb/T** ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,grn/** ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,amb/T*** ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,amb/T*** ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,grn/*** ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,grn/*** ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,grn/*** ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,grn/*** ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/*** ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-268,Control invasive plant species on or around Scheduled Monuments by chemical or mechanical means.,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites,Maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage sites / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/ ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/ ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/ ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/ ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/ ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/ ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/ ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,amb/LT* ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-269,Clear and destroy root crop spoil heaps (crop dump) before the new crop emerges,Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L* ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECPW-002 ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,amb/T** ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,amb/T** ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/*** ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/T* ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/T* ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-270,Re-seed grassland by slot-seeding or over-seeding,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271,Create / enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S ETPW-271C ETPW-271EM ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,amb/TD* ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT** ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT*** ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/T** ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT* ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/T** ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/D* ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/D* ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT* ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ETPW-205C ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ETPW-205C ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/L* ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-271C,Create buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,amb/TD* ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT** ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT*** ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/T** ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT* ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/T** ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/D* ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/D* ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT* ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ETPW-205C ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ETPW-205C ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/L* ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/L* ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-271EM,Enhance / manage buffer strips to encourage natural predators and species diversity,Systems action,Systems action / Predator management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,red/** ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT* ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT* ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LT* ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECPW-078 ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/ ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LD* ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T** ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X ETPW-272,Control bracken and scrub by targeted grazing and trampling,Systems action,Systems action / Invasive management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,amb/L* GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/*** GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X GHG1,Genetic improvement of farmed animals,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,grn/* GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/*** GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X GHG2,"Improving productivity (ie reducing days to calving, reducing age at slaughter, basically reducing “unproductive ‘ days ",Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,amb/L* GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/*** GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X GHG3,Improving animal health,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/LTD* Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/LTD* Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/** Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/ Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/* Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/* Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/* Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/T* Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X Grassland_01,Adapt mowing or first grazing dates on improved or semi-improved grassland; use mowing techniques to reduce mortality,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,red/* Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/LTD* Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/LTD* Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/ Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/L* Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/L* Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L* Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LD* Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/ Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/D* Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LD* Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LD* Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X Grassland_02,Mob grazing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T** Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/*** Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/*** Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/*** Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/T** Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/** Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/TL* Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/*** Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X Grassland_03,Enhance / manage grasslands to benefit invertebrates,Specific wildlife targeted actions,Specific wildlife targeted actions / ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/TD* QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT* QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/** QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/T* QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T* QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/T* QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/T** QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LT* QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LT* QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,amb/T** QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,amb/T** QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/LT* QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/** QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/** QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/TD* QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/TD** QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/T* QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA1,Create reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,red/* QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/T* QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/* QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/T** QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/T** QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/T** QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/LT** QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/T** QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/T* QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/* QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,red/* QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/*** QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/** QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/** QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/** QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/L* QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,amb/L*** QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,amb/L*** QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA104,Arable reversion to grassland ,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LTD* QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LTD*** QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LTD*** QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LTD** QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/L** QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L** QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/* QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/M ECPW-279 QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M ECPW-279 QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M ECPW-279 QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/M ECPW-279 QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/M ECPW-279 QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA11,Multi species cover crops,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Cover cropping ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,red/* QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,grn/* QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/LT** QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/LT** QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/LT** QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/ QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,amb/* QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LTD* QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LTD* QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,red/** QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/T** QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD* QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/LTD* QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/LTD* QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD* QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA112,Silvo-poultry,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116,Create / enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S QEIA116C QEIA116EM QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT** QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/T* QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/T** QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/* QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LT* QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LT** QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/*** QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/*** QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/TD* QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/TD* QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/N QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,grn/* QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA116C,Create rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Grassland ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT** QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/** QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/T** QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/T** QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/** QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-030 QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-030 QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,amb/T* QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,amb/T* QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,amb/TD* QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/TD* QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/* QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/TD* QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/TD* QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,amb/T* QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA116EM,Enhance / manage rush pasture (defined as wet grassland),"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Grassland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,grn/* QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,red/** QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L* QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/*** QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD* QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,grn/* QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,grn/* QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/LTD* QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/LT* QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA12,Harvested low input cereal,Soil management and protection,"Soil management and protection / Fertiliser, nutrient, manure and mulch management ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/T* QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/T** QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/TD** QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/TD*** QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,grn/** QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/TD*** QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/** QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,grn/** QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/T** QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,red/** QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,red/** QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,red/* QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,red/** QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA14,"Removing trees, scrub, and accumulated organic litter layers","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Mountain, moor and heathland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/M ECCA-007EM QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/M ECCA-007EM QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/M ECCA-007EM QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/M ECCA-007EM QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/M ECCA-007EM QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LTD* QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/LTD* QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/X QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/LTD* QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/ QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/ QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/ QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,amb/TD* QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/TD** QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA2,Manage reedbeds,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics,Actions for habitats with specific hydrological characteristics / Peatlands and wetlands ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,grn/* QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/LT* QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA21,Tree protection and fencing to protect crops (beavers),Systems action,Systems action / Pests and disease management ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT* QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT* QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,grn/T* QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/LT* QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA28,Better health planning: cattle,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT* QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT* QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,grn/T* QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/LT* QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA29,Better health planning: sheep,"Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action","Monitor, plans, databases, consultation and resulting action / ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,grn/T* QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA32,Encourage uptake of low energy technology in agriculture ,Climate measures,Climate measures / Energy measures to protect the environment ,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/** QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA34,3-NOP methane inhibitor,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/** QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA35,Mandatory inclusion of methane inhibitors in ruminant compound feed,Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,amb/L* QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA36,Increased milking frequency,Livestock management,Livestock management / Housing & Handling,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,grn/* QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,grn/** QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA38,Precision feeding (+ feed analysis),Livestock management,Livestock management / Feeding and watering strategies,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/* QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/* QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/* QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/T* QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,grn/* QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,grn/** QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,grn/* QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,grn/* QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/L* QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/* QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA4,Sensitive in channel vegetation management ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/T* QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/* QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/* QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT* QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/* QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/* QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/* QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,amb/L* QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,amb/L* QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L* QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA48,Fencing and sheep netting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/*** QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/* QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT* QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/** QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/*** QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L* QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,grn/** QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,grn/** QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,grn/* QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA49,Hedgerow gapping up ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Boundary features ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,amb/LT* QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,amb/LT* QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/LT* QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/LT* QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/LT* QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT* QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/LT* QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/LT* QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,amb/L* QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,amb/LTD* QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/L* QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,amb/L* QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LTD** QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,amb/T* QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA5,Daylighting small streams,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6,Create / enhance / maintain fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/S QEIA6C QEIA6EM QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/** QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/** QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT* QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,grn/** QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/** QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/D*** QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/D* QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L** QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA6C,Create fire ponds,Habitat creation,Habitat creation / Ponds and wetlands,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/T* QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/T* QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/T* QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T* QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT* QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,amb/T* QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T* QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/T* QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,amb/T* QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,amb/T* QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/L* QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/N QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/N QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/N QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,wht/N QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA6EM,Enhance / maintain fire ponds,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Rivers / water bodies / storage and sediment traps",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/T* QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L* QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/* QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT* QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/** QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/* QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/** QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-025EM QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-025EM QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L* QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA8,Leave some hedges uncut this can be achieved by: incremental cutting,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/T* QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/*** QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,grn/* QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT* QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/** QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/*** QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-025EM QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-025EM QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L* QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA89,Hedge laying ,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/T* QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/L** QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/** QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT* QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/*** QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/*** QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-025EM QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-025EM QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L* QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA9,"Leave all hedges uncut, except for carrying out regenerative hedge laying / coppicing when required / identified in the hedgerow assessment","Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,amb/L* QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,amb/L** QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,amb/T* QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,grn/*** QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/DL** QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/LT* QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,grn/*** QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/LT** QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,grn/** QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,grn/*** QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/M ECCM-025EM QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/M ECCM-025EM QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/N QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,amb/L* QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,amb/LT* QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X QEIA90,Coppicing,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Hedgerows ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/T* Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/ Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/ Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/ Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/T* Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/ Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/ Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/ Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/ Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/ Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/T* Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/T* Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/T* Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X Soil_01,Create and implement a soil management plan including regular visual evaluation of topsoil and subsoil structure and taking appropriate actions to avoid and alleviate soil compaction and protect soils from erosion,Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,grn/T* Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/ Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/ Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/ Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,grn/T* Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/ Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,wht/N Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,wht/N Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,wht/N Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,wht/N Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,wht/N Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,wht/N Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,wht/ Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,wht/ Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/ Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/ Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,grn/T* Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,grn/T* Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,wht/N Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,wht/N Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,wht/N Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/T* Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X Soil_02,"Training to develop a soil management plan, develop a measurement plan and implement appropriate actions",Soil management and protection,Soil management and protection / Compaction management,Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Bio Risks,Reduced faecal indicator organisms,Medium,wht/N Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Chemical Pollutants,Reduced inputs of pesticides,High,wht/N Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Energy Use / Use Renewables,Number of farms taking action,Low,wht/N Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",All/Other,Food and Fibre Production,Area under production or management intensity outside of ELM,Medium,wht/N Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced emissions of NH3,High,wht/N Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Pollution,Reduced PM2.5,Low,wht/N Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Air,Air Quality,Air pollutants removed,Medium,wht/N Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Biodiversity adaptation - maintaining / enhancing biodiversity under a changing climate ,Medium,amb/T*** Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Atmospheric deposition of N and exceedance of critical loads,High,wht/N Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Connectivity of small 'feature' habitats,Medium,amb/T*** Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Enhance abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T*** Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Favourable condition of SSSIs,High,amb/T*** Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of wider farmland biodiversity,High,wht/N Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,Maintain abundance and species richness of semi-natural habitat,High,amb/T*** Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Biodiversity,"Presence of rare (red list) species, Presence of priority species",High,amb/T*** Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,INNS,National species occurrence,High,wht/N Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pest and Disease Control,Evidence of outbreaks of pests and disease,High,wht/N Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Biodiversity,Pollination and Seed Dispersal,"Increased abundance, distribution and species richness of pollinators and seed dispersers",Medium,amb/LTD** Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Above ground carbon sequestration,High,grn/*** Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Below ground carbon sequestration ,High,grn/** Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Recapturing carbon on farms,Low,wht/N Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Carbon/GHG,"Global, Regional and Local Climate Regulation",Reduction in greenhouse gases (agriculture),High,wht/N Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Mass Stabilisation and Control of Coastal Erosion,Improved sediment stabilisation ,High,wht/N Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of N and P,High,wht/N Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Nutrient Pollutants,Reduced inputs of organic fertilisers (manure),High,wht/N Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Conservation ,Extent of erosion,High,wht/M EBHE-310 Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Soil,Soil Health,"Increased organic matter & biodiversity, reduced contamination & compaction, improved structure",High,wht/M EBHE-310 Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flow Variability ,Frequency of high and low flows outside previous 20 year record,High,wht/N Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Control of River Erosion,Fine-grain sediment loads,Low,wht/N Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood Protection,Improved regulation of flow regime for peak events,Low,amb/LT* Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Flood protection,Reduced inundation from coastal flooding,Low,amb/LT* Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Resilience to Drought,Frequency of low flow,High,red/* Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of coastal waters",High,wht/N Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Quality,"Improved ecological and chemical quality (bacterial, viral and suspended sediment) of freshwater",High,grn/** Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Water,Water Supply,Increased water supply for non-drinking purposes,High,wht/N Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Visits to natural environment and green spaces,Medium,wht/X Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Public rights of way and open access areas,Low,wht/X Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Recreation,Health and well being benefits - physical,Low,wht/X Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Mental Health,Health and well being benefits - mental,Medium,wht/X Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Education,Environmental attitudes and behaviours,Medium,wht/X Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Volunteering,People engaged in social action for environment,Medium,wht/X Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Tourism,Tourism visits,Low,wht/X Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Awareness of cultural heritage,Low,wht/X Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Condition of scheduled monuments,Low,wht/X Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Cultural Heritage,Number of designated heritage assets,Low,wht/X Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Geodiversity,Condition of geological and geo-morphological heritage features,Medium,wht/N Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Awareness of Diversity - Wildlife,Perceived increased biodiversity in the environment,Low,wht/X Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Changes in landscape and waterscape character,Low,wht/X Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Landscape Character,Enhancement of green / blue infrastructure,Low,wht/X Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Cultural,Sense of Place,Quantitative survey about sense of place ,Low,wht/X Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Noise Mitigation,Health and well being benefits - noise,Medium,wht/X Woodland_01,Preserve existing woodland. e.g. Prevent loss of existing woodland to clearance,"Restoration, management and enhancement","Restoration, management and enhancement / Woodland ",Regulating,Local Temperature Regulation,Health and well being benefits - temperature,Medium,wht/X